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07-17-84 Council Workshop Minutes
City Council Meeting Minutes
07-17-84 Council Workshop Minutes
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MiNU•rrs <br />city council. <br />July 17, 19£34 <br />l.onger wanted and woulct put wel.l.s in. <br />Mr. Voto reporCed that Revenue Regul.ati.ons have been amended <br />to that recip:i.ents comply with Revenue Handicapped <br />Regulations. City caill have to be looked at to determine <br />i£ they meet the rep,ulations. Voto stated that he does not lcnow <br />what the requi.rements are as ot yet an<1 will get further information. <br />P1r. Voto recommended that to simplify records, the Ci.ty should start <br /> for Diseased Tree Fund next year. This no 1.onp,er needs <br />to be a separate Eund. <br />Mr. Voto reported that f.uture Fire Department budgets should be <br />decreased by ~10,000 to eliminaCe budgeting for equipment as the <br />City has decided that such equipment would be bonded for in the future. <br />Voto reported that the Park Pund Ualance for 19II3 was $126,668. Nfr. <br />Pahey reported that three different property owners in the Centerville <br />Road area are interested i.n sel.ling T.heir property and the price is <br />in the area that the City anticipated. <br />Mrs. Nardini asked how the park permit money ~aas generaCed. Mr. <br />Voto repli.ed that this comes from bui.lding permits. <br />Voto again stated that the tax collection r.ate was 100% in 1983 and <br />speci~l assessment collecti.on rate was 119%. 'f.he only probLem was <br />with the sewer bonds of. 1966 an<I 1.967 and this has been resolved by <br />t6e non-resident connection charges< These bonds will have to be <br />studied to determine whickl Levies should be made ancl which cancelled. <br />Mrs. Nardini commented that the City must keep in mi.nct that when the <br />Large interceptor line goes throug,h the City,the City wi11 have to <br />build a sma11 liPt station on County Road R-2, <br />Voto reported that the City is in a similar. situation Che MLJCC <br />as are other citiese liowever, the City i.s still in a good cash <br />deficit position, <br />Mr. Voto recommended that the city loolc at rates to cover current <br />cost for. water and to take care of. the cash deEi.cit that the Ci.ty has. <br />Voto stated that one of. the reasons for the cash deficit is ].arge <br />water losses that the City has had in the past. <br />Mrs. S~alze aslced how the cashdef.icit got to the point of $62,000 in <br />1.977. Voto stated that he wi.ll investip,ate this. <br />Vot:o reported that the Y9WCC estimates lalce overLl.ow charges at $38,000 <br />f.or 1984< Mr. Pahey pointed out that sewage was dumperi into Gervai.s, <br />1nd the ditch system upstream that the City shouLc! get credit for this in <br />overflow charges. <br />Page -3- <br />
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