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07-25-84 Council Minutes
City Council Meeting Minutes
07-25-84 Council Minutes
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MiNll'1'FS <br />City Counci.l <br />Jul.y ?_5, 1984 <br />Duray Mr. Pahey felt that t:he City Attorney would advise T.he CiCy ap,ai.nst <br />Request malci_np this type of p,uarantee. Fahey stated that if the City F.ngi-neer <br />(Cont.) and nr. Duray's engineer do not do a good job in laying out the <br />drai.nage, he i.s sure that Miss Peter.son's attorney wi7.7. aslc for <br />reimbursement. <br />Miss Peterson poi.nted out that the Duray prop~rty w:i.ll. be a11. blacktop <br />and Chere i.s no where for the water to ~;o. Peterson sug~;ested Chat <br />per.hlps storm sewers ar.e needed. <br />Mr. i'ahey stated that the City En~;i.neer. may determine tt~at the Demont <br />ditch is not adequate and wi1.7. malce a recommendation. 3~ahey sYated <br />thaC Che F.ngineer is aware of Miss Peterson's concerns. <br />Mrs. Scalze aslced where Parl< Street: drai.ns to. 'Che tin~i.neer stated <br />that most of the street drain to CounCy Ko~d C ~nd the locoer end <br />cirains to DemonC. <br /> Peterson stated that she was of the understanding that a veri.f.ied <br />letCer from the P.ngi.neer ~aas not unusual. <br />Mre Sweeney stated tihat he wouLd not recommend that the Ci.Cy give <br />M:iss Peterson the 7.etter she ttas sug~;~~~sted. Sweeney stated that the <br /> pl.ans wi1.1 tiave the stamp of a~~pzoval of: two <br />f:irms and if something happens the matter vrill be handl.ed ~v~ith these <br /> <br />T4iss Peterson state<1 that she would li.lce to r.equest that the culvert <br />Mr. Duray is nroposing Lor 21ong her property Line have a slight dip <br />over the top or a swale to handl.e excess run-off. CArs. stated <br />Chat this is an engi.neering questi.on. <br />Mr, Duray assured the Council Chat he is concerned wi.Ch the drainay;e <br />i.ssue and does not want to cause a draina~;e probLem. <br />Mr. Pahey stated that the Council will have to taU1e action on the <br />requests unti.l the City Engi.neer gives the Council a report on the <br />dr~j.nage. <br />Mr. DeLonais stated that the Planning Commissi.on caas concerned because <br />the last p1aC presented no longer showect Che swale. <br />Mr.Dav3.son stated that the 1?l.anni-ng Commissi.on ~dfl5 also concer.ned with <br />the amount: of blacktop proposed and Che run-o£f onto Demont. Davison <br />stated that the problem needs to be addressed Lurther down Demont as <br />coe ll.. Mr< Fahey stated that the Engineer should address thi.s in his <br />report. <br />P4r. Forsberg pointect out that devel.opment i.n the Centerville Road area <br />i.s Uein~ helc( up until the drai.nage questi.ons in that ar.ea are a<Idressed. <br />Page -9- <br />
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