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pqIVUTFS <br />C~i_ty Counci_1 <br />Au~. 29, 1984 <br />T'he Ylanrie~- uo~i.nted ouf: th<zt Che si.te plan and c:~h~t was approved when <br />the buiiding permi.t wns i_ssued would come i.nto play here. The Plainnee <br />statrd that i.E there wz~s justi.f'ication for Cwo drives, he not Chi.nic <br />the Ci.Cy coould dr~ny i.t. <br />Mr. Pyan ,tated theat most businesses in Che p~irk woul.d need Cwo dr4veways <br />and iuost are on 1.00 foot lots, Ry~n stated that Che traf:Ii.c zn tlie <br />parl< is slou~ and there is no problem in that revard, ltyan sCated that <br />si.nce tiie plans ~oere drae~~n, ther.e may have been another dr;iveway pui. <br />in to get to t:he bacLc ot bu;ild~i.n;s. <br />P4r. Fahey Feit that. t:he Ci.ty shoul.d p.,et dri.veorays, grass areas and movahl.c <br />t>umper. st.ops. ~ <br />Nlc. Pyan felt Chat i.[ pr~ss ar-eas wcre put in, peop7.e o~oulcl not <br />across them. Mr. 1?orsber~ stated Ch1t he dLd not think Chat in <br />some 67.ac1c dir.t would be a hardshi.p on anyone< <br />ThE Planner also pointed out that there aire other 1ow maintenancc ground <br />covers other Ch,.in ;ra,s Y,hat could be u,ed, <br />N(r. Russ Pisher expl.;~ri.ned hi.s piroblems wiCh tructc traff:ic ancl did not <br />feel that: Cwo dri.vesoays would b<~~ acleqtaate [or hi.s bu,i.ness, D1r. leor.•sberg <br />u~~~sCed Ll~i~t Che pirobl.ein could be because tliere are no designnCed <br />driv~way arEas at Che location. <br />The Planner. poi.nted out that the C:i.Cy ~s only requesCing a sma11 <br />area, 5 to 6 feei: sCri.p, of grass be i.nstal.l.ed. <br />Aquaz:ime st,~.ited t}~iat they not: 1~ive cuith a 24 f.oot driveway, 't'he <br />7?I.anner. repl.ied tnxit 30 ioot drivecaays were acceptabl.e if ap~roved by <br />the Gi.ty Eny;ineer. The Pl.snner commented that with semi.-CraffS.c Cl~e <br />Ci.Cy has ~;one along w~it_h 30-Eoot drives. <br />.Nir. Pisher, est<ed thc: m~xi_mum wi.dth of a clr~iveway. <br />that 30 fcet wou].d probabl.y be tl~~e maximwn. <br />Mrs. 6calz~ asked Mr. Ryan why he cii.d not get Che <br />bui.ld~i.ngs whcre the C,ity Ch:is as part af <br />Jtyan rep7.ied that he bc;lieved hie d; ve~t them in ~ <br /> i.t. <br />The Ylanner repl.ied <br />curb cuts in on Che <br />the approvals. Mr. <br />aherever the <br />Mr. Gcrmer ,tated that.: he will hiave his bi.ii.ld~ing 7.00% complet:~d accord~ing <br />to the s~ite plan by nexC week. Germer poinCed out tktat the Citq just <br />approved a condi.t~[onal. use permi.t Eor t:he butild~i.n~ across the sCreet <br />wi.t:hout seeing that the o:eif;i.nal. i_nt~~~nt of t.1ie. property was meC. <br />Germer felt that the City was in error for alloeainf; thi.s cond~i.t:i.on Co <br />conCi.nue. <br />Mr. Li.cht repii.ed that before the operat~i.on goes :in, Che CiCy has required <br />paf;e -G,_ <br />