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?~(INU'C`; q <br />City <br />AvQ. ?~, 1.934 <br />F9rs. Scalze commented that the Ci.ty never had a Code r,nForcement <br />Officer bef.or.e and wPien the Cit:y one, ever~yone got scared< <br />Pdrs. ;cal.ze staCed t.11a[ the C~i.ty should be the codc <br />othcr ci.t.ies c(o, <br />Fua*1. I?conomy stated that there shotil.d be a bailance oE reasonabl.eness <br />and the City should deal thi.ngs on a compiainC basi.s. <br />Aquazime Mi.c(c.~e;t asl<ed for ~ def:i_n:it~i.on o£ storage. '~4rs. Scalze <br />statecl that had a sCOr~ge yard. <br />Aquaz~ime aisked if a cond~i.t.i.onat use perm~iL was rieeded Lor sCOeagc, <br />7'ahey stated th<at Che Ci.ty requi_res a condi.tiona]. use perrn~it for outdoor <br />sCOra~;e, but felt it be a permi.tted use and it snould be ;a <br />requirement t1~iaC the area be fenced ,and screened fi~om the roadw~iy, if <br />necessary. <br />'Ch~~ 1'].anner stated Chat the reason a cond~iti.onal ase perinit: is <br /> is ChaC Kahen the ordinance coas adopted the Counci.l wanted to <br />review each case. Mr.. Pahe~7 f.elt thi.s was ~in ui~necessary expense Co <br />t`le btti_1der, <br />The Pl.amiei ce~oeCec1 theit wtien Mr. ??yan requested a buildina ~eemit, <br />he di.d noC Icno~u what eype o£ business ~aould occupy t1~ie buil<7in~, and, <br />Cherefore, the C~ity we~C to the condi_tional use; permi.C orocess for <br />st:orage. 'Che Pl.anner st~ted that i.L t:h~~~ CiCy oranted to droK> this <br />process, ;iC could have the ordi.nance read t:hat oe cominercial <br />proper.ty musC d.esi~;nat.e a stor~ge area. <br />Fahey PeLt that a~ cond~it:i.onal use pe rni;i.t shoul.d onl.q be needed Ior /+ A. <br />and I:. of the or.dinance and everytl~i,in,p., elsc should be a permi.tCed usc. <br />;~ihPy stated that he has tall<ed witl'~ busi.nesses anc( tl-~ey say t:hey <br />o~ant screenin~; so that-. peopl~ cannot ,ee wh~t i.s being sCOre<;1, Fahey <br />Lel.t that screen~ing was necessary £or security and aestheti.cs. <br />The I'lanner reported that: he has enrountered retail opcrations Chat <br />have causecl problems in industriai areas< T,he parlci.ri~ f.`r.oi~~ a eomrnerci.aJ. <br />~ctivi.ty i.s greater than The Counci_1 ~Ti:ioht want to ,afeh~aard <br />a~ainst this happening> <br />'Cl~~e ~Pl.r~nner inform~ad the businesses that iL they loolc at w)~iat tl~e <br />Ci.ty has imposed i.n the past, h~ does riot thi.nic there i.s ariqthing <br />thaC Che. busi_nesses wi11. not: be ~bl.e to 1~ivr< <br />~1r, Y,anson asiced iE t.:here was any probl.em to Che business owners <br />indi.vic.tualiy wiCh t:he planner ancl;; Chei_r si.te ~~lans. There <br />was no opposit~i.on to Chis £s-om the audience. <br />I~Ir. 1~tanson felt GhaC unc.ler this approach, there ~oould l~ave t:o be <br />i.mprovement: i.n f2yan Yaelc. <br />~'aSe -~~- <br />