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MIi~U"C¢;S <br />C:i.Cy Counc.i.l. <br />Sept. 5, 1984 <br />%epper Counc.i.1 1sL<ed 'L,epper if l~e had any b~ri.l.di.n~; experi.ence. 'Z,epper repl:ied <br />(Cont,) t:hat Ite did not. ;Sepper r.eported that lie w~~s certi_fi.ed as a plumbi.n; <br />ancl heating i.n,pector. <br />?Qr, 'Z,ep~er reportecl Chat h~e is avai.lable Lor employcnent around Che <br />weelc of September 24Ch. <br />Ccncral IC taas t}~ie concensus of. the Council that the ~>osit,i.on of I~u~i.Ldinf; <br />ihscussi.on 7nspector shoul.d be offerecl to Pir< Lowel.l. Na~;ov,lcy shoul.d h:i.s <br />reierences check out, Thi.s matter w~i.'1'L be handlecl by Che Council. <br />and Counc~il ~oi.1.1 also consi.der the matter of: s~~lary for tl~i~~~ poaiL~i_on <br />at a sttbsequen[: rneetin~, <br />'CPiere bein; no £urther bu,iness, the m~etin~; soas <idjourned a[ 9,1`u P<N[. <br /> surmi.tted, <br />/ A 0~ <br />~~~~IL-('X~,~_ -~-t _x p_/`-. <br />Kathleen Glanzer ~~ <br /> Secretary <br />Pa~e -5- <br />