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@-i:CNU'f fiS <br />City Counci_1. <br />Septa 12, 1934~ <br />Th~mder 13ay <br />Plat (ConCo) <br />Kell.y Opi~.~ion <br />~grcemenr. <br />Agenda <br />Item No, £3 <br />'Che f.orenoi.n~ resoLutior~ wJS duly seconctrd bq T~6-. Porsberg;o <br />A~es (5) Nar.di~j, ^orsber;, Fahey, itanson, Sc~lze, <br />:Yayes (0). <br />P.esolut~.ion decl.ared aciopted, <br />7'hi.s re,olutton n7~a~e~~rs in R~~>.so].uti.on Look ~lo. ]t, Page 4~1£3. <br />'C~e Ci.ty hFas rece~ived a count~r-o[1'e~r to Chr opt~ion Ftgxeement Lrom <br />Mr. ?Ce7J.y op hi.s properT,y< P4r< £?ah~~ f:el.t that. the C~i.ty Tams not <br />~x~enarecl Co act on the offer. aC th~i_s t:~ime. <br />"[r, I~ahey introduced the fol.~lo~.n n; resoluti.on and moved :i.ts adopti_on: <br />RES~LILCION n10. 8G-9_l,p5 -- TAP,LINC ACTIO\ <br />ON '[141, ?:PLIY ~l?'CIpN AC~RF,r,.qF{p~'T <br />Ti1e Por~going resolution ~aas dul~ seaoncied by ]r>. Scalzr< <br />Ayes (5) Gahc:~y,, flanson, Forsberg, lardirri.. <br />~a~es (0), <br />Re,ol.uti.on derl.ared acloptecL <br />Thi.s reso].ution appears i_n Res~lution Tiook Dlo. 7.7., Pa;c 419. <br />Attorney ~Ir. I'ahey reported Chat he ~~ras concerried sl,~ouC. the cliaccres <br />?-2ev~i.e~a O,E inciu'red Lor errnn~inations o.f. abscracts. These are required bccause <br /> t:he ordi_nr~nce reqi.ii_res drai_na,r,~e and util.iCy e~i,ements <br />around propesty 1.i.nee, <br />A;enda <br />It~~m Tlo. 9 ~fr, T~~~ey felt: that thc City Attorney and City CLerk sho~il<( try to obta~in <br />tiClr~ ~insucanae i.ii Che name o[ tl~e ci_ty to reduce the coses oI t:iiese <br />~exam.inations. fahey also S'.e1C t:hat Che Council should amrnd' <br />the ordznunc.e. C~.o prov.ide thut;e and iiC~il:i.t:y easc.rnents ~rc onl.y <br />nec<~~ssary ahen i~y thP Ci.t:y T;ngi.neere <br />Mrs. Saal.ze aslced i.L thi.s w2s putting a].ot: o[ pressure on the Ci.Cq <br />.ng;ineer. ;dr. 7ahey felt thaC th-i.s was svhat Ch~. }in~i.neer <.oris y;etCing <br />Z~aid For, P'a',iey f.elc tiiat the respons~i.b.[1{ty shouid ].ie the <br />l~ingineer thari havin~; C}ie homeowner gay a l.ot of money f:or <br />c~~se.mants Chat may be vacated in the future becaus~~. thiey are u-e1e~s. <br />The F,n~incer ,tntecl tP~at~. kaa had no pr,obJ.em cvith Mc. Faheq's su~f;cstion, <br />11~~e tnginEaer agreed th~it trie~re ~ro case~s when these~ easements are not <br />necessary, <br />`4r. 't~al~ie.y ~i.ntroduced Cl~ie io] reso).ut:iori and iiioved its ado~~Cion; <br />P.c50I.U;.70i~1 :vQ. <°,4-9-~=0fi -- ,Dtii'c;?C7'SD?C T1ll? CT.'Cv <br />AT'f,ORNEY TC) TF,KP Ti'i nl[,CF,BSAr;Y S'C1iPS 'CO [~1t~'I?~7D <br />TiGn SlJT~iD~f.VISION 0'IZD~CNANC7i: 'CO YROVIDE 'CHtI'C 7.A1 <br />Pa;;c -?- <br />