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~znurrs <br />Ci.ty Counci.l. <br />Oct. 10, 1984 <br />Pasements <br />(Cont.) <br />Mr. Pahey aslced i.f the Ci.ty AtCOrney has £ound out anyChing on Che <br />City's ti.tle :i.nsurance. "Che Attorneq rep7.ied thaT, he <br />is st:i.11 checl<ing on this, <br />Westlund The i:ngi.neer report:ed that he checked in the idestlund Deve7.opment <br />Fill. and cannot find where any new fi.ll. has be~en brought i.n . The pile <br /> of f i.l.l that is there is top soi.l. and has been Chere f. or four or <br />A~end1 years< D9r. WesC lun<1 is now using th5.s top soi1. <br />~Item No, 'l.i <br /> Mrse Scalze reported that the filling is bein~; done on W:indro~a, <br /> Mr, flanson suggested tliat pc:rhaps Mr. Flestlund is just the <br /> fi1.1. from one spot to ano ther. <br />7'he Pn~;ineer reported that there ar.e di.tches i.n tlic area that will. <br />be wi.dened out. <br />Mrs< Scal.ze reported that one of the res:i.dents i.n the ar.ea has seen <br />trudc loacls of f.i1.1 brou;ht in. <br />Mr. Porsberg rel~orCec9 th~it it i.s the Bui.lding Lnspector's job <br />Co talce care of this matt~r, Mr. Pahey suggesCed that the matter <br />be referred Co the; Inspector. <br />E~ranch The Engi.neer reported that he has ~a r.evised report on the proposed <br />Di.tch 7T3-13?_ ~aorlc ori 13ranch Ditch 7S3-T32. The new r.eport incl.udes additional. <br /> ~nd some aprons. L;sC~imaCed cost is $26,547. <br />Agenda <br />Item No. 1h Mr. tlanson stated Chat if tlze Cit y assesses the property owners, <br /> then the State and Co~mty c~n be asse.ssed <br />Mr. Carley reported that thi.s roi1.1 drain about 150 acres of <br />property aL a cost of. about ~]J7 per acre, The Tng~ineer reported <br />that the County has abouC 3 1/2 acres. <br />P:(r. Porsberg pointed ouL that the City haz a moratorium on building <br />in thi.s area unti7. the drai.nage is taken care of. <br />Mrs. Scalze asl<ed ~if.` property would b~ assessecl the same <br />as <br />Nir.e Porsber; stated ChaC he had no problem wi_th Che cost <br />a~;~inst property that has noC beeri develope<( yet. <br />htr. Carl.ey reported that the CounCy is i.i~terested in £etting this done. <br />The }sngi.neer stated tliat thc Ci.ty should be he~ring Lrom the State on <br />thi.s next ~veel<. i)e i.s suggesting that Che State be assessed f.or 1_0% <br />of the cost. The Fngi.neer will be contact:i.nn the State againe <br />Pa;e -12- <br />