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~~INUTLS <br />C:tty Cotmci.l. <br />OcC. 1.0, 1.984 <br />Uttili.ty Mr. I-lanson ~i.ntroduced Che resoluti.on and moved i.ts adoption: <br />Easements <br />(Cont,) RESOLUTION N0. F34-10-486 - ACKNOALPDGZDiG Ti~l~ LiZT'f.IiR <br />~ RGCrTVED FROM 'I'lIP ENGINP1iR ON UT.'ILITY iiASFiMF]NTS AiVD <br />[dt1LVING 'f.blE RFQUIRPMI'sVT Or 1'I~IE UT~ILfTY ~ASL'~t1.NTS <br />POR 'fI~IP DUCI~IARME LO'C SPLIT <br />The forr:.going resol.uti.on o~as duly seconded by Mrs. Scalze. <br />F#yes (`i) Hanson, Sceil.ze, Forsberg, F21~iey, ~\ <br />Nayes (0). <br />Resoluti.on declared ado~ted< <br />Th~i.s resol.ution appe~rs i.n 22esoluti.on $oolc No. 11, l?aae 499. <br />Adjourn Mr.. Fahey i.ntrociuced the f_ollowtin~ resoluti.on and moved its adoption: <br />Agenda RF,SOLUTZON N0. 84-10-487 - ApJOtIRNING <br />ICem No. 26 <br />The f,oregoing resolution was dul.y seconded by Plr. Hanson. <br />Ayes (5) Pahey, Hanson, 1'or>berg, Scalze, Nardini. <br />Nayes (0). <br />Resol.ution declare<i adoptec(. <br />TP~~i.s resolution appears i.n Resoluci.on Book No. 1.7., 1?age 500. <br />There bein~; no further busi.ness, the meeting was adjourned at 9:35 P.M, <br />RespectPully submi.ttecl, <br />i <br />i ~ ~<_ ~ .; _ . <br />iCachleen Glanzer <br />I2ecord:in~ Secretary <br />Page -l.Ei- <br />