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r~~r.~vu1~E~;s <br />Ci.ty Council. <br />Oct. 2/i~, 19f3~~ <br />~doodlyn Ave. Mrs. Scnlze ,t:ated that R& 5 can ,~ave t:he condiYi.onal. use peemiC i.f <br />(Cont.) at a very mi.nimum che road i.s ;r.avele<1 and mazntaf.necl by the property <br />owners i.n Che are~i, l~lowever, add~it~ional. bui.lcli.n~ permi.ts would not <br />be ~ranT.ed unti.l [he road i.s blacict:oppc~d. ;calze stated that: the <br />bl.aclct:op road is re<~aired under code beEore buil.din~; permits can be <br />issued. <br />Mr. l~lanson poi.ntcrl out Chat the Ci.ty i.s not thtit the road has <br />to go in, i.t onl~ lias Co go i.n iE the busi_nc;,ses in the area warit to <br />devel.op. <br />Mr.s. Dlardini ~iointed out. that Lh¢ Council lasC left this roatter up <br />to the busi.ness owners i.n the area to come bacl,c caith a pro{~osal. <br />This has not been done. su~;gested thaC Che mat:ter be Cabled <br />unt;il the buslness owners have soinething Co present:. <br />Mes. Sca7.ze introdueed the resoli.ition ancl moved ~its adopti.on: <br /> RL?SOLUTION N0. $4-1.0-491. - INSTRUCTING TLIE <br /> CI'CY A'.CTORN]~,Y 'CO AYPROACH TkiE f~[CGOUGI~I' S <br /> REGAJ3DSiVG 7'HEIK CONDI'CIONAL USE PP.,RM:CT GRANT~D <br /> fN ,JUNI,s AND JUI.~Y 0}? 1987. AND OBTAIN AT A?3~S:CC <br /> biSNTMIJ..Ni 1'Rli PASFDII?\TS NPCFSSARX FOR A CRAVEL <br /> ROAD AND 'CI~(AT TtIP MCGOUGH PENCP !~r, nOV F,D OUTSIDF. <br /> Oi~' 'P}lI:-~fI~F-E{~'~ RIGLIT-Ol'-FIAY <br />~ correction FITTY FT'.* <br />Res. no. '~'}le Fore~;of.n~; resoluti.on wa, duly seconded by Mrs. <br />84-11-505 Ayes (4) Scalze, Nardini, ilanson, Forsberg< <br /> Nayes (0). <br /> Resolution declared adopCed. <br /> 'Chi.s resoluti.on ~appears in Resolution I3ook No. 11., Pezgc; 504. <br />Mrs. i.ntroduced the [oLlo~ving resol.uti.on and moved i.CS adopt:i.on: <br />RF"uOLUTION N0. 84-].0-492 - 'CAL'LING ACTION <br />q~ TSIL Sd00DLYV AVEi1UC CIRCIJLATION PLAN <br />'Che resol.uti.on toas ctul.y secondecl by Mr. Ilanson. <br />Ayes (4~), Nanson, Porsbert;~ Scal.ze. <br />Nayes (0). <br />?2esol.ution decJ.are<I adopted. <br />'Phis resolut~i.on a~~pears i.n Resolut~i.on 13ook No. 11., PaF;e 505 <br />hlrs> Scal.ze pointed ou[ th~r unt~il Che road is ~r.avcled and mai.nCained, <br />the operation of. r_he salvage yard must stop. <br />The AtCOrney stated Ch2t he would move as quictcly as possi.ble on t:he <br />McGough easement, <br />P1oe -4- <br />