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MINtJ'CLS OP TI~IE SP~CIAL MP]sTSDIG <br />CITX COUNCIL <br />LITTLP CANADA, MITINI:,SOTA <br />Agenda <br />Item No, 1 <br />Agenda <br />Item No. 7_ <br />Pursuant to due cal.l and noti.ce thereof a meeting of the <br />Counci.l oE the City of LittLe Canada, Minnesota was helcl on the <br />18th day of. December, 1.984 i.n the Counci.l Chambers of: the City <br />Center located at 515 Li[~le Canlda ;'.oad i~~ said City. <br />December 1£3, 19£~4 <br />Mayor. Raymond }[anson the meeting and called it to order <br />at 6:31. P.M. and the followinp members were present at ro11 call: <br />MTMI3ER5 I'RPSIiNT: <br />T4ayor <br />Counci.lman <br />Counci.lman <br />Cotmci.l.woman <br />Council~voman <br />Mr. Raymond [-lanson <br />Mr. Mi.chael Pahey <br />Mre Dennis Por.sberg <br />Mrs. M~gs Nar<lini <br />~rs, Beverly Scalze <br />ALSO PRT'SPN'T: <br />Ci.ty Clerlc <br />City Attorney <br />City Planner <br />Recor.din~ Secretary <br />Mr. Joseph C1~lebecic <br />Mr. 7'homas Sweeney <br />i4r.. David Licht <br />Mrs. Kathleen Glanzer <br />Larry Lee Mr. Flanson cal.led the public hearin~; to order regarding the Larry <br /> Lee request to r.ezone single [amily properCy located <br />RequesC on and abuttin~ South Owasso i~l.vd<, ~vest of 35P and east of the <br />Publ.i.c Watenaor.lcs r.i.ght-of-way to Li~ht Mr. t{anson read <br />Hearing the hearing notice and the mailing list. <br />Agenda Mr. Lee descri.bed the property in question to the audience. Mr. <br />Item No. 3 Lee expLai.ned that he i.s not propos:ing that the property access onto <br />Condui.t. Mr. Lee stated that the grade of the property woutd make <br />thi.s impractical. Mr. Lee is also proposin~; a 60 foot Uuffer zone <br />on the south of: the property. <br />Mr. Lee explai.ned that the property would access South Owasso I31vd. <br />which i.s a 9-ton road. 7'he build:ings that he is for the <br />site are simi.lar to those he i.s currently bui.lding. They cooulci be <br />fab-con bui.ldings, or pre-casC structures. <br />Mr. Lee also reported that f.rom the south looking, the buil.din~;s <br />would not be visible due to T.he dif[erence in grades and the trees, <br />Mr. Lee stated that. he would have simi.lar-type tenants as are i.n hi.s <br />existing partc and he already has two people inter.ested i.n buildi.ngs< <br />ihr. Lee reported that the buildings he is pro}~osing would be 18 feet <br />in hei.ght. <br />Mr. Sam Fasciana asked Mr. Lee why he wants to start a second project, <br />when his Eisst one i.s a mess. Mr. Lee repl:i.ed that k~e ~i.s do:ing one <br />more building in his current project and then he has no more land lef.t <br />to build on in that area. <br />Pa~e -1.- <br />