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r~T.NU1~rs <br />Ci.Cy Counc~i.l. <br />1)ec. 1H, 1934 <br />?0 Yor(cton The resol.ution was du].y seconded by Mr. Forsberg. <br />Court Ayes (5) Scalze, Porsber.g, Hanson, Narc.l,, P2hey. <br />(Cont.) Nayes (0). <br />Resol.uti.on declar.ed adopted. <br />This resoluti.on appears i.n Resolut:ion Ilootc No. 11, Pages 641. thru 646. <br />Dec. 26th As tk~ere is no further busi.ness, Counci.l f.elt that: the December 7_6 <br />Council Council meetin~ could be cancelled. <br />Meeti.n~ <br />Mr. l~orsberg introduced the reso].ution and moved i.ts adopt:ion: <br />Ap,enda <br />Addition RESOLU'CION N0. 84-17_-574 - CANCELLING TIIG <br />LAST n9EPTING IN DECEMRI:R <br />The foregoing resol.ution was duly seconded by hlr. Flanson. <br />Ayes (5) Porsbeeg, Hanson~ Nardi.nti, Scalze, I'ahey. <br />Dlayes (0). <br />ResoluCi.on declared adopted. <br />This resol.uti.on appears in Resolution }3ook No. 11., Page 647. <br />Ryan The Planner suggested that the Counci.l. consi.der declarinf; Ryan Industriat <br />Industrial Parlc a PUD. The Planner reported Chat he is trying to woric the <br />Parlc PUD businesses in the park to cl.ean-up thei s pr.operty and tY~:is ~oould preclude <br />Proposal having to use the variance process for a lot of Che pr.oblems i.n the parlc. <br /> '['he Ci.ty could Yhen use the conditional use permit process to ha ndl.e these <br />A~enda problems. <br />Addi.tion <br /> The Planner reported that. the major~ity of the businesses i.n the park <br /> have been extremely, by the Ci.T.y's i.nitiaLing t:he PUD <br /> process, the businessrs would not have to pay a lot of fees for processing <br /> of variances. <br />Mr. Fahey Lelt that the Ci.ty should geC the area in the best order it cari. <br />The Planner also reported tliat he has been worl<ing on this matter during <br />staff. hours. <br />r4r. PorsUer.g di.d not feel Chat Luture devel.opments S.n the parlc shou7.d <br />fa11. under the PUD. <br />Mr. Pahey introduced the following re>olut~i.on and moved ~i.ts adoption: <br />RESOLUTION N0. 84-1?_-575 - CALLING A PUBLIC <br />tIEARLNG ON JANUARY 23, 1985 TO CONSIDER THE <br />~STAI3LISHMENT OP A PtID ZONE FOR RYAN'S INDUSTRIAL PARK <br />Page -10- <br />