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MzNU~'rs <br />c;cy c~u„~;~ <br />i~e~. i~, i~~~~ <br />School Board <br />& City's <br />Undeveloped <br />Property <br />Agenda <br />Addition <br />Mrs. Scalze reported that at a r.ecent School I3oard meeting Kr. Pahey <br />indicated that the C.i.ty had no restidertCial property left to devel.op. <br />`Sr. 1.'ahey repl.i,ed tliat he ~oas referring to huge Cr.lcts of <br />property. <br />24r. Porsberg disagreed that the City not have property <br />yet: to develop. <br />Mrs. Scalz.e explained thaC the School I3oard may have misi.nterpreter.l <br />T4r. Paliey's comments and these commenCS coi11 be considered in thei.r <br />decision to close schools in the. district. <br />T4rs. Scalze suggested that the C:ity ~orite a letter to Che School. <br />District ouCli.n:ing the number of resi.dential acres left to develop <br />in the Ci.ty. T4r. Pahey stated that he w~ill to do. <br />The Planner reported that he l~as this information on hand and wi.ll. <br />get i.t to Mr. Fahey. <br />Adjour.n r~r. itanson i.ntr.oduced the resoluti.on and moved iCS a<topCi.on: <br />A~;enda <br />Item No. 5 R~SOLUTION N0. 34-12-577 - ADJOURNING <br />'Che for.egoin~; resolution was cluly seconded by Mr. Pahey. <br />Ayes (5) Hanson, Tahey~ Scalze, Nard:ini, Porsberp. <br />Nayes (0). <br />Resoluti.on declared adop[ed. <br />This resoluti.on appears i.n Resoluti.on Fiook No. 11, Page 650. <br />Ther.e bein}; no further busi.ness, Che meeting was adjourned at F3:35 P.M. <br /> stabm:itCed, <br />,' /// ` <br />~', ~-~y~1 ,~,~~treC~.aC..- ~ % <br />Kathleen Glanzer <br />Recording Secretary <br />Page -1?_- <br />