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~zNUTrs <br /> Counci.l. <br />Uece 18, 1.984 <br />Lee Rer.onin~; Mr. I,achenmeyer stated that they caere a~aare of the z, of: th:is <br />(Cont.) property when they bought their, but were assured that <br />Mr. Lee's property caas R-l. Lachenmeyer also was concerned that if <br />the Lee property -is rezoned, then other properties in the area will <br />probably be r.eroned also. <br />Mrs. 1{ittner staCed that if the loch and i'asciana properties are <br />r.ezoned, then Che 13urke Lane resi.dent:s wi.ll. have no control over <br />cahat type of deveiopment noes i.n on these properties. }littner <br />staCed that by the Lee property R-1, it :i.s the insurance <br />f:or Tiurke Lane to keep development away from i.ts badc door. <br />T4r.s. 7och stated that it is :i.n wr.i.ting i.n the Comprehensive Plan that <br />the first tier of. lot:s on the east side of Conduit should be abl.e <br />to develop as R-I3. Mrs. 'Goch stated that they wanted from the <br />beginning to lceep the area R-]., buC they lost out ancl >urrotmding <br /> ~aer.e rez.oned. <br />Mrse 7och stated that over the years many thi_ngs have been pr.oposed <br />for the I,ee property, and Mrs. 7.och <1i.d not feel. L-hat Mr. Lee's proposal. <br />was so bad. <br />Mr. Nadeau stated that the Gagne ~roperty caas the fi.rst :in the area <br />to be rezoned, and he just followed suit with hi.s property. <br />Mr< Hanson pointed out that the property was already being used as <br />commer.cial. <br />Mr. Pasciana stated that i.f. the Ci.ty rezones the L,ee property, it <br />shoul.d r.ezone the other property i.n the area as well and end the <br />contr.oversy. <br />Mr. Jansen stated that he was in agreement thaC, also. <br />~Ir. Lachenmeyer suggested that the City l<eep the area <br />Mr. Lee f.e1t, that the spot in Che area was the r.esi.dential <br />property. <br />Mr. Pahey poi.nted out that the trailer court is a residential use. <br />Pahey stated that he was not convinced that tk~e property should be <br />rezoned industrial and suggested that perhaps R-7_ PUD cai.Ch bufEering <br />would be appr.opr:iate. <br />Mr. P'ahey f.elt that the City has been cut up i.n the past and Chat <br />there may not have been enough concern given to the residential property <br />in the City i.n Che past. <br />Mr. Lee po:i.nted out that i.n June the Ylanner did an analysi.s of. Che <br />property and his recommendati.on was that the property shouLd be rezoned. <br />D4r. did not feel that the property could develop as residential. <br />Pa~;e -3- <br />