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MINU'PFS <br />Ci.t:y Council <br />Dec. 18, 19£S4 <br />Lee Rezoni.n~; <br />(Cont.) <br />Mrs. %och statect <br />she did not thinlc <br />she ~aould rather <br />go in. <br />that even if the Lee property remained resictential, <br />this would hel.p her property. 7,och stated that <br />see Mr. develop the property Chan apartments <br />~Ir. Pahey stated that he is not in favor oL apartments or condomi.niums <br />on thi.s property. <br />Mrs. 7,och pointed out that i1r. Nusnich was offered trailer court <br />zoning on his property, but he rejected i.t and wanCed his property to <br />remai.n commercial. <br />Mr.. Norm I3rody, an attorney and a developer, stated thai: he owne<t <br />properCy in Li.ttle Canada and he f.el.t that the Lee devel.opment was <br />we ll.-concei.ved. Srody stated that he di.sagr.eed that the development <br />could not near residential. 13rody fe1C that the proper. <br />buLfering, the devel.opment would be an asset to the community. <br />Mr. i~rody did not teel that the area would develop resi.dentially. <br />~f~rody stated that Mr. Lee's plan ~aas a good one and in the fuCUre, <br />the Ci.ty may not get a plan as good. <br />^1r. Hanson stated that he would have Iiked to see the people in Che <br />area get togeCher anct work out the pr.oUl.em. <br />P4r. stated that he could come in with a p].an f:or a mixed-use <br />residential on the south end of the property, <br />Mr. Hanson pointed out Chat the issue tonight is that Mr. will <br />lose out on some industrial revenue bonds at the end of. the year. <br />Mr. Lachenmeyer d'td not Lee1 i.t fair to push the plan through at the <br />end of the year. Mrs. Scalz.e pointed out thaT, the Council suggested <br />tha:: Mr. Lee worlc with the res~i.dents of: the arel prior. to coming to <br />the Council.. Scalze sCaCed that she thi.nks T9r. Lee could have made <br />the plan wortc. <br />Mr. Lee stated that the area coants resiclential development. Mr. <br />Lackienmeyer commented thaC Mr. Lee did not them any alternatives. <br />Mr. Forsberg, felt that the plan would have woriced if it had been <br />?_/3rd's an<1 1/3 resiclential with the proper buffering. <br />Mr. 1,achenmeyer stated that the i3urlce Lane area was excited when they <br />heard that a park area was being proposed. <br />Nlrs. Nardini. stated that she LeLt thaC the Parlc Commiss:ion was agai.nst <br />the park plan proposed because of: the hi~;h cost of. a porti.on <br />of. the proper.t:.y. <br />Page -6- <br />