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~II~U'I'T1S OF TFIL, RFGULAR N,IEI'sCING <br />CI'CY COiIVCIL~ <br />LITTLE CANADA, MTNNI3SOTA <br />January 9, 1985 <br />Pursuant to due ca ll. and not~i.ce thereof zt regular meeting ot the <br />Counci.l of the Ci.ty of I~i.ttl.e Canada, Mi.nnesot:a ~aas held on the <br />9th day of. January, 19~J5 i.n the Counci.l Chambers of: the Ci.ty Center <br />located at 515 Li.ttle Canada Road in sai.d Ci.ty. <br />Agenda Mayor Hanson ca ll.ed the meeti.n~; to order at 7:35 P.~I. <br />TCem No. 1. <br />Agenda iister Shirl.ey of. St. John's Church be~;an the, an <br />Item No. 2 i.nvocation. <br />Fahey The Ci.ty reported Chat he has recei.ved ~a Letter o.f. resignation <br />Resi.gnati.on f.rom Mr. ]7ahey for hi.s unexpired term as Councilman, <br />Agenda Mr.s. Scalze i.ntroduced the foll.oo~ing resoluti.on ancl moved its adoption: <br />Item No. 3 <br />RPSOLUTION N0. £35-1-L - ACCEPT7NG Ti~IE LE:TTER <br />OP RZ;SIGNATI0D1 FROC4 MR. ^~1CAAEL PACIEY POR HIS <br />UNEXPIRED TTIU4 AS COUNCILMAPI <br />'The fore{;oi_ng resol.ution was duly secondecl by Mr, I'ahey. <br />4 COr't'ection ~y~,s (5) Scalie, t~ahey, I~lanson, ~~ese~+e-~;-6e~keua~4 <br />~es no. Nayes (0). <br />85-1-28 Resoluti.on declared adopted. <br />Tl~is resoluti.on appears i.n 12eso1ution Boolc DIo. 1.7, Page l. <br />Oath Of. 'I'he City C1.erlc achni.nistered the oath of: off~i.ce to the City's newly <br />Office e7.ected of.f..icials. The oath was admini.stered to Mr.. Michael Pahey <br />i'ahey, as Mayor and Alessr.s. ?31.esener and Riclc Collova as Counci.lmen. <br />131esener, <br />Collova P4ayor Raymond lianson then turned over the Playor's ~avel to Pir.. <br />Pahey along hi.s Uest. wishes. <br />Agenda <br />Item D7o. G ilr. Fahey, in turn, presented to P1'r. Aanson a plaque as a tol.<en of the <br />City's appreciati.on for k~is servi.ce to the Ci.ty. <br />Rol.l Call The C-i.t:y Clerk proceeded to t:alce roll ca11, <br />tlgenda MrMBP:RS PRPSENT: Mayor Mr. Michael. Tahey <br />Item No. 5 Counci.lman ^1r. T3i.7.1. 131.esener <br />Coimc:i.lman Mr.. Itidc ColLova <br />Counci.lwoman Mrs. P,everly Scalze <br />ALSO PRPSliNT: <br />Ci.ty Clerk <br />Gity Attorney <br />Consul.ting tin;ineer <br />Public Idorks Supt. <br /> Secretary <br />Mr. Josepl~ Chl.ebeclc <br />Mr. Tl~omas Sc~eeney <br />Mr. Donald Car.ley <br />Mr, Itoger Glanzer <br />Mrs. Kathleen Gl.anzer <br />Page -1- <br />