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M7:Mf'C1SS <br />Ci_ty Counci.l <br />.Jan. 9, 1.985 <br /> Dept. ~rs. Piard~in'i i.ntroduced the reso'Lut~i.on and moved i.ts adopti.on: <br />Yensiori <br />Floard Ri,SOI,U'i'LON N0. fl5-1-17 - APPOLN7'ING RICK <br />COLLOVA, BI;VERLY SCAL'Z.,[;, AND i~ILi~ I3J~PSPsAIER <br /> 'i'0 THE L,IT'PI.I; CANAi)A F'TRP D[?PAR'CP1~,N'C <br />Item No. 20 PENSION BOARI) 'E'0}3 1985 <br />Tl~e f.ore;oi.n~ resoluki.on o~as duly seconded Uy Mr. P'ahey. <br />Ayes (5) Nardini, Tahey, Collova, Scal.ze, I31.esener, <br />Nayes (0). <br />Resol.uti.on declared ado~~>t:ed. <br />This resol.uCion appears in Resolution Ilook No. 12, Page 1.7. <br />Weed Mayor Fakiey appointeci T,om Aor.aath as I7ee<3 Snsoector For the Gity <br />Inspector duri.n~; 1.9£i5. <br />Appoi.ntment <br />~gen<la <br />ICr.m No. 21 <br />Emergency Mayor rahey appoi.nted Ro~;er G1ana.,er as l:mergency Sc:~rvices Di.r.ect:or <br />Servi.ces for the Ci_ty 1.985. <br />Di.rector <br />A,~,enda <br />Item No. 77_ <br />Computer Nlnyor ~,~zhey stated that it was hi.s op~inion thai.: the r.epor~t on <br />Report computers for the City was sel.f.-expl.anator.y. ALso, he w1s informec! <br /> that there is some new soft-ware that i.s avai.lable t:hat Mrs. <br />Anenda Podomi.nidc wi.11 be studyi.n;; xnd wil.l report back to the Counci.l. on <br />Item No. 23 very shortl.q. <br />Mrs. Scalz.e aslcecl if: the~ Ci.ty wi.l.l be abte to get year-to-dat:e <br />pri.nt-outs the new system and stressed tkiat these eare very <br />i.mportant to the Parks anc( ]iecreat~i.on Department. <br />Mrs. 1?,c r.epl.i.ed thtit these reports ~ai11 be, but <br />ther.e coi.11 be some restri.ctions. <br />Mr. FaYiey asl.ced iF Che and D1rs. were i.n agreemenC <br />on the l~ardware that Che Gi.ty shoul.d bi.d. Mr. ~Joto repliecl tYiat <br />tliey ~aere, <br />~1rs. Poclominick stated tkiat the new sofC~oare that she rai.ll be looi<in~ <br />aC appears to Ue very and less expensive than others that <br />have been consi.dered. <br />Page -11.-- <br />