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~Tnnrrrs <br />City Gotmci.l <br />.Tan. 9, 1985 <br />F3rinkm~n <br />13ott1e C1ub <br />I.,icense <br />(Cont.) <br />t4r,. Scalze diszigreed and stated that it: was used as zi school when <br />the School o~aned the bui.idinp_. <br />Mr. Fahey sttited that the weis grandfathered i_n unti.l i.t <br />was sol.d and Che occupancy ~aas chan~;ed. ?~(r. Pahey stated t:.hat: i.L <br />t:he Stat:e does not require the el.evator, the Ci.l:.y will not £orce i.t. <br />Mrs. f3on~;oi.vanni. aslced i_f the li.cen,c coulcl be tsansf:erred subject <br />to the results ot tlie OS}If~ meeti.ngs on t:he subject. <br />;4r, Fahey stated t_ha[ the license could be Cr.ansferred subject to <br />compli~nce SCaCe laca. T'ahey st.ated tY1at the CiCy wil1. be patienC <br />~aith regard to meet:ings on the subject by OSfI[~1, but i.£ Che matter <br />is not resol.vecl on tl~~e StaCe level, Che worlc wil.l have to be done. <br />i4rs. llongi.ovann~.i a~slsed i.f she wou7.c1 I~e abl.e to review the cost of <br />the elevator. f3ong9.ovarini stated that if. the cost of tlte elevator <br />was too hi_F;h, she would noC orant to buy Che <br />Mrs. Nardini sCated thaY St.aCe Code chan~;es usually do noC occur <br />until tlarch. <br />Tirs< Runyon strated Chat because oE th:i.s la~o, School. Di.stri.cCS are <br /> to i.nsCa ll. elevators. <br />D4r. P,r:i.nkman su~gested that the School Distri.ct mi~;ht object Co <br />the assessment if ~i.t were too higt~. P4,r. Fahey stated Ck1aC the School. <br />pi_strict would be hard-pressed to say that the elevator was not an <br />i.mprovement to the property. <br />PRrs. 1longoi.vanni sug~;ested that she havc someone come out ~nd ~;ivc <br />her an esCi.mate on .inst:alling an elevator so th~i:. she tcnows how <br />much money i.s i.nvolved. <br />Cdr. Pahey suggested that the Counci.l Cable the maCter f.or two weeks <br />t:o ~;ive iKr.s. t3onp,i.ovanni. an oppoztunity to do thi.s and the Ci.ty Attorney <br />an opportuni.ty to see what. t:he Strzte i.s in th[s regard, <br />A4rs. 13ongiovanrii had a question regarding a dcferred assessment on <br />the propert.y. P1r. Pahey su~;gested that the Clcrlc woric ;'(rs. <br />Bongiovanni on <br />A member of the audi.ence askeci if the people using the rental hall <br />si.gned a coai.ver, if. Chi.s woulcl be suLficient, <br />The City ACtorney repl.i.ed that such a waiver would not protect the City. <br />t4rs. Scalze i_ntroduced the foll.ocaing resoluCi.on and moved :it, adoption: <br />1~1~P. -a.~4- <br />