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MtNUTr:s <br />Gity Council <br />,Jan. 9, 1.9f35 <br />Pl.anning Mr. Costa reported that the City presently has the best I?1lnnin~ <br />Commi.ssion Commissi.on it has had ~.i.n a Long Mr. Costa reported tt~at Mr. <br />Appointments French provides a].ot of: i.npuC to tt~e Commissi.on and is lcno~ol.ed~;eable <br />(Cont.) i.n thc~ biiilcting busi.ness. <br />Mr. Pahey report:ed that for the years 1932 and ]9Fi3 Mr. Costa ancl <br />Mr. T'rench attended 9 ouC of 12 meetin~;s ernch year and thi.s was <br />average attendance. <br />Mr. DeL,onais stated that attendance should not be the on1.y cri.teria <br />consi.dered in reappointing a memUer. I)el.,onai_s st:aCed thaC ther.e have <br />been members in the past that attended every meeting, yet never sai.d <br />one caord. Mrs. Ti.mmons a~;reed and added that t:he c~irrent Commissi.on <br />i.s a one. <br />Mr.s. Nardini. aslced if: the Council coould consider i.nereasing the size <br />of the Commission. Mr. Pahey poi.nted out ChaC it w~,is not too <br />ago that the Counci.l. decreased the si.a.e oE t:he Commi.ssi.on due t:o 12ck <br />o[ a~plicants. <br />Tiie City Clerlc passed out ballots to t:he Counc:.l. members i.n order <br />that they m:ight: vote. <br />'Phe vote went as fotlows: <br />Mrs. Nardini. voted for Plessrs. Costa, I'rench, and llurray; <br />i4r. 131.esener voted for ~Iessrs. Costa, French, and Davison; <br />~1r. rahey voted Por ~I<~~ssrs. Costa, Prench, ancl Dtiv~i.son; <br />Mrs. Scalze voted f:or P9essrs. Costa, Prench, and Davison; <br />Nlr. Coll.ova voted for Messrs. Costa, Prench, and Davison. <br />p1rs. i.ntroduce<I the fo1.lo~ving resoLution and moved i.ts adoptton: <br />RESOLIJTTON N0, 85-1-5 - ~PPOZNTINQ PE'CER COSTA, ROY <br />PK}iNCtl AND A:CLI. DA~ITSON TO TMRCI; XEAK TERT9S ON THR <br />PLADINIP7G C0~IMISSION <br />The foregoinr; resolut:i.on was dul.y seconded by Nlr.s. Sctilze. <br />Ayes (5) ~larctini., Scai.ze, Col.l.ova, 131esener, Pahey. <br />Nayes (0). <br />ResoluC~i.on c(ecl.ared adoptecl. <br />This resol.uti.on appears i.n `:esolution Book No. L7., Pa~;e 5. <br />Parlc T4r. P,al~ey pointed out Chat Carl Spooner is r.etisinY from hhe Parlc <br />Commissi.on Commissi.on. <br />Appointments <br />'I'here are Chree on the Parlc Commission for the yeers J.985, <br />1986, and 19II7. 'CP~e City has received three appl:ications for these <br />vacanc~i.e:>. <br />Pa~;e -5- <br />