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~zNOr,~s or ~r,~ir ,zr~Gtrr,~,x ra~~:r2zrie <br />CI'CY COUNCIL <br />i I,I,TLE C~;\Ap9, AiIN"1~50'L'A <br />Agencla <br />Icem No. l. <br />A~;encla <br />ICen~i No. 7_ <br />Pursuant to due call. and nptice thereof a rc~~;ular meeCing of t.kie <br />Counci_1 of tl~e C~i.ty of I.,i.ttle Ctmada, ~~li.nnesota cuas held on T.he <br />23rd day oL' Janu~ry, 1~35 S.n Che C;ounc~il. Ch~mbers of. the City <br />CenCer located at. 57.5 L:i.Ctl.e Canzida t~oad in said Cit:q. <br />January 73, 7.9H5 <br />?~[aqor I-~lichael Fahey tPie meeC~i_n~; and~ ca7.l~-~d it to orcter at <br />7:30 P.M. and t:kie Loll.owing membctrs o~ere pr.esent at rol.l ca11: <br />P'iliM~37;t2S 7?'RPiL.N'C: <br />AI,SO YRl?,SEN'C: <br />Mayor <br />Councilman <br />Councilman <br />Qouncllwoman <br />Counci.lwornan <br />Ci.ty!c <br />City Attorney <br />Consulti.n~; 1?ngi.neer <br />City Pl.anner <br />7'uhli.c Worlcs Supt. <br />12ecorcling <br />Lfr. Mi.chae7. I,~ahey <br />;"Ar. Williain BLesNner <br />P9r. 7,2iclc Collova <br />Mrs. ~!ugs <br />2-!rs< S3everl.y Sca7.ze <br />Mr. Joseph Ch7.eheck <br />Mr. ,Tim 0'Conner <br />Nfr. S)onald Carley <br />T4r. Uavid LichC <br />T4r. Rogee (.lanzer <br />Mrs. Kat:l~il_een Glanzer <br />Approveil Mrs. .larclLri~.C i.ndi.caCed Ch~at on pag~z 7.3 of the January 9 minutes, <br />Of 'Chc the £~th paranraphi, the word "el.ev~tor" ~in thc tzist seru~~:nan <br />~[~.i.nutes should lae chan~ed to " ilandi.capped 2ccess" , <br />A,n,endl P~ir. '!~lesener i_ndicated that= Resolution ~o. 85-1--1 should re[].ect <br />"CCem No. 3 a 3 to 0 vot:e and [l~at he and Mr. Collova did not vote. for tl~iat <br />resol.utioti bec.ause aC that point they had not yeC Lal:en the oatki <br />of. oEEi.ce. <br />Mrse Nardi.ni_ i.ntroduced the fol.lowin~; resolution and moved its 2dopCi.on: <br />R?i;SOLU'1'ION A10. f35-].-?.E3 -- APP?;OVING <br />T?1}i N1~CNttTES 0'F THii JANUt1RY 9, 19Ei5 <br />COUNCIL h?I?i~.`P~CNG S~IITtI 'Ck1L OU'CL1N7f:D <br />CI{ANGES <br />'Che fore~;oi.n7 resolut:ion was duly seconded by Mr., I?].esener, <br />~yes !5) Tlardini_, 311esener, L'ahey, Collova, Scalze. <br />Nayes (0). <br />Reso7.uCi_on dec:l.ared adoptecl, <br />Thi_s rPSOl~ition appeaes in Itesoluti.on 3;ook i~lo. l2, Va~e 27. <br />I'a,n,e -1.- <br />