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i~1INU'CPS <br />Ci_ty Council <br />Peb, 27, 1385 <br /> <br />I'roperty <br /> <br />(Cont.) <br />The Ci.ty Cl.erlc repl.i.ed that he has researched the records and coulci <br />not fi.nd where L'he Cowtcil declared such a morator:i,um. <br />Mrs. agreed that she thou~ht there was a moratorium on the area, <br />The rngi.neer. stated that. t:he Ci.ty was ~; to drai.nage. <br />distri.cts for the entire City, and this area was di.scussed i.n connecti.on <br /> Chis. <br />The City Cler.k poinY.ed out that t:hc~re woulcl be no permi.C <br />i-ssuecl in this case as the existing Uui.lcli.ngs wi.ll be used. <br />Mrs, Nardini pointed out that in the pasC there has been di.scussi.on <br />about the development of thi.s pronerty as [2-7_. questioned <br />if i.t coould be good lonp,-r.anPe planni.n~; t:o allow an asphalt company <br />on property between apartments and R-2 proper.ty. Mr. Hi.lderman <br />staCed [hat the R-2 mi.ghC never. happen. <br />Mr. Pahey stated that the Council di.scussed the possibi.l.i.Cy of I.oolci_ng <br />at. tl~e area. Pahey stated that in the past the Ci.ty has <br />received a peCi.tion £or R-l., in thts area., arhen the <br />Ci.ty adopted the Plan i.t ].eft this area open for <br />£urther study. <br />telr. Pahey stated that he did not want the area to turn :i.nto an <br /> parlc simi.lar C.o another. in the CiCy. <br />Pahey sug~ested thaC the Council taUle action on the proposal ancl <br />ktol.d a publi.c heari.n~; on the whol.e area. Pahey stated that the Counci.l. <br />should trnow how the whole area is p,oing to go i.n order Co malce an <br />intelli_pent decisi.on i.n the proposal. <br />hfr. Hilderman point:ed out that the proposal does not change <br />that i.s already there. <br />Mr. Pahey staCed that the Council. may decide that it i_s i.n the best: <br />i.nterest of: the Ci.ty to change the area from to R-2. <br />Mr. I~Iilderman statFd that khc peop,le purchasing the property would <br />be it for storage and that 2 1/2 acres Ss not a sma1J. piece of <br />property. The property 9.s pr.esently zoned 1i.p.,ht an<i Mr. <br />PraCtalone is just a minor subdivl.sion. <br />Mrs. Scalze stated that the proposal is i.nconsistent with the homes <br />in the area. <br />Fahey stated that he d:i.d not undc~rstand why the property cvas zone[l <br />light in the place except. for soil condi.tions, <br />rahey felt that the area shouLd be studied and felt a moratorium shoulc.l <br />I~e declar.ed and the Council shoul.d holci public I~earin~±s to see cohat <br />the property owners in the area want, <br />P1ge -?_- <br />