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r~rzNU~ers <br />Ci.[y Counci.l <br />P~larch 13, 19f35 <br />Pu11. Ttibs The CiCy ACtornEy eeporC~ed th2t the Lm~isl.ati.ire sa{d Cl~iat tl~e Stat;e <br />AC The would 1i.cense lawful i.n Che State March 1, 7.985. <br />Venet:ian No~o the I,cai.slature has Lound tl~iat th~is ~i.s not przict:~i.ca1 and movecl <br />, tlle daC'.c to June 1., 1955, <br />Agen~la <br />ItFan ?~o. ].0 'Chc Attorney ireported tliat a:Eew wee!cs zi~o his offi.ce prepared ~.~ri <br />ordinance caheret>y t:he Ci.ty can reserve orhatever leeion :i.t could, <br />'CPie ACtor.ney reported P:.hat as it pre~senCly sCands, the City Clerlc <br />can s,i.;n appl,i.caCions for 1_~i.censes, and ~i_f tLir Counc.i.1 <br />does noC disapprove tl~iat applic~at7.on w~ithi.n 30 days, the 1.i_cense is <br /> <br />Lo~i.s i3lomberg of >t.. ;foseph's Soci_ety of tfie i,~i_ttle >isters o£ t.he <br />Poor a~pX~eared befor.e the r„ouncil. requestinY appr.oval of a 1.i.cense <br />to se1.1 pull tnbs from tP~e Venetian Ini~. <br />Mr. ~~ahey su~oested tha~C Chc C;i.ty can Che 1i.cense aj~pl.icaCi.ons <br />and then brin~; them i.n t:o the naxC Council for Council. <br />consi.dera[.ion. <br />T37.omberg commented that: Li_tt1.e Canad<~ does not: have a gnmblin~; sCructure. <br />'Che City Attorney stated that pri.or to Stat:e I,aw, the C.ity di.d not <br />havc~~ a~ambli_ng ord~iriancc, ~nd now the new SCatc law, Che Ci.t:y <br />does noC. need one. <br />The CLf_y Clerlc askecl i.f the C~ity cloes not I~im~~e a 1i_eense, <br />i£ i.t aill. be abl.e to disapprovc of any ~ppli.cations S_t wishas. <br />ThE~ Attorney st~t:E<f that the Ci.ty can d:is~pr.~rove and 6t:atF laio al.lows <br />thi.s. T11e Ci_Y.y cotil.d preclude gambli.n~; in thc City and not accept <br />any ~~ <br />'Phe Cterl< rep,lti~d t:hac if: the Cit_y clid this, then would not be <br />allowed. <br />cl r.~prescntative of. itinnE~~soCa `f'ip ~.~3osrd company outl~i.ned tFie Cit:y's <br />var_ious opti.ons undee tl~~e new Stat:e Law. 'L`l~ie Ci.Cq can a1.l.ow Che <br />C;l.erlc to appli.cati.ons and :i.E no Lurther acti.on is Laken, then <br />t.he l:icense is i.ssued in 30 days; t:Y~e City c~in deny ~.~n application~; <br />or under the emer~ency act, Che City c~n :i..mmedi_ately ~rnnt a 1.i.cense. <br />The Attorney report~~~d lhat che Ci.ty can requi_re additi.onal. conditi.ons <br />of any appl.i_cant, and the ordi.nance that was ~ropo,e~d pz-pvided for <br />Chi.s, 'Ckie Attorney staC~d ChaC tie noC Icriora; abouC <br />the emergency nrovi.s,ion. <br />Minnesota Tip T~c>ar.el representaCive stated thaC ti~~e Gi.ty h~is i,he powcr <br />by re;ol.ut:Lon to appx~ov~ a 7.icense S.mmediately. <br />Pege -11- <br />