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~.iT Nt7'!`r g <br />Ci.ty Council. <br />r-r1rcli ].7, 19s;5 <br />R-'L I~~iEt <br />SCation <br />Agenda <br />Itein Noe 7.2. <br />(Imp. 85-2°) <br />TPie !i,n~i.neer submiCted ~lans Co the Council. f:or the Count:y 12oad P-2 <br />11.f.t sCati.on. Thc En~,~ineer sCate.d C1~at he would l~ike ko gct thi~i_s <br />proj~~ct in the bi.ddin~; Process shorCly i.n order to t~i.e i1 togeCher <br />wit:h the Met:ro Sesoec ~~roject thaC is going i.n the same qrea. 't'bi.s <br />should save the City a l.ot of. money on tl~ie lift sC<ttion. 'Lhe Rnt„incer <br />Lurth~r reported that ~i_t wi.ll. be abouC a ye~r [rom now beQore the <br />l.ines ~aould be I.:ied to~;echer~ ~s ChP sewer lines to thc 1ow~st k~omes <br />on I~-2 c2nnot be d'zsconnec.t:ed unv;i.l. everytlli.r~g is i.n pl~~ce. <br />The Fing~.ineeir furCher reported t:hat the, homes on V~itc~i.rig, Drive will. <br />not be se~-vzced bq this 7.:i.f.C stati.on and only a~bouC 5 or 6 hom~s <br />w1.11 i~e on the line. <br />The Cicy Clerl,c asked ahat will hanpen wi_tlz thF i~i.[t sCat~i.on on <br />Pcl~;erton. 'Chc i~cigi~~eer repl~i.ed that ,i.C t.~il.l. be rcnlaeed by a• <br />sCat~ion. ~ <br />'Che En;inear su~s„ested th~rt once he finishes the plan, he or~,ill. <br />present it C:o the contrnctor and Metro 6ewer. hIe wil.l. report }>adc <br />Co the Council i.n about: a montlt and then the project can be let oaC <br />Eor bi.cls. <br />P1r. I31.esener reportecl that Mes. caas Ltooded aoa;i.n wi['Jl sewaYe <br />in her baisement. 731esener staCed Chat "4r. G'Lanrer f.eets th~t tPie <br />manhoLe ~in the ~r~ea has sunlc s1.:i.ghtly and now water is about even <br /> ^1rs. Dlzrdini's Al.,o tYaere was sl.ime and grease in the <br />line t:hat was c); up the cir.lin. <br />D1r. Bl.e„ener repoetccl that Nir. feels thi.s recant baclc-up was <br />caause<1 by the City. The was just clcaned abouC s1z weeics ago, <br />but thE nrobJ.em has occurred again. nr. 131e,ener sCated Chaf:. the <br />Ci_ty can clean Che line every six wee;cs, but i.t causes a mess. <br />~r. Glnnzer has sugaested t:h~k a b:iolo~i.oa1. ~re~se digestant could <br />he adcl~:d to the peri.odicall.y to handl.e the probl.em. Eithier <br />T~irs. Nardin~i. may be z~ble to clo it, or the Ci.ty sCa£f can do ~(C. <br />P4rs. Atardini. stated Ch~nt iE sewaae is }~~acked up i.n her b~sement <br />a~ain, she will. pet ouCS~.dc help to cl.ean i.C up and she do~s not <br />want thi_s fi.lth in her hot.ise every six caeelcs. <br />IC was sugpested t:.hat Nfc•. Glanzec worlc Mr,. Narcli.n'i. and N,Ir. <br />I3~I.esener in ;etting ttris m~~ttee resol.ved. <br />Aemont 'P,he Gi.Gy Eni;~.i.neer descr-i.bed the vari.o~is st~reets thaC the Ci.ty has <br />'I'urnovec dc, ignated as State Ai_d rot-ids, Thc: I? st:atc:d that [Pic C~iCy <br /> has enou~;h Staee Aid ini.lea,~,e to p~L thi.s desi.gnat~i.on on Demont Ave~iue <br />Agenda and Vilci.n~;, !-loac!ver, once State Aid .Euncls are spent on a road <br />Item No, 73 the desi.,r.;nati.on must sY_ay. <br />T'age -13-- <br />