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^1TNU'I'li,S <br />CiCy Council <br />Mard,t 13, 19f35 <br />Gambli_r~~; The City Attorney coiwnented that he. betieves tPi2t Ck~e C~ity sl~iould <br />Ordinance adopt the proposed gtunl>7.i_n; ord~inance that he st.ibmi.tted Co Ch~ <br /> Coi,inc~i.l. at .i.ts last meeCi.n~ . 'Che or.di~~ance s e~ys t.h~ii_ the C ity wi.].l. <br />Agend~ ~ceserve ri~;hts in SC~~Ce la~a and can pl.ace ~r~y cond:i.Cioris :it ~[eels <br />Addi.tlon n~cc „acy on a ~am~ling J.:ice nse or deny such 'l.i.censes i,f iC wi.shes. <br />Mr. Plesener ~inT:roduced the f.oll.o*oing orclinance and movc:d i.ts adoption: <br />OnD"CP]/~NCI3 N0. 250 -~ AMF,NI)ING CHAP'C~R t~1.5 <br />OF TItF 1~,tfNICTPAL COll?3 OP 'C11S3 C7'L'Y OE~ T,i'L'L'LF. <br />CAD7ADA Rl?GULATI:NG LAjd'GIJL GAMBI.,ING <br />'Che ordinance was dul~~ seconded l.~y ?>~Irs. 1Vardi_ni. <br />Ayes (4) 131.esener, Nardini, Scalze, t~ahey. <br />~layes (0). <br />Ord:inance decl.ared adopted. <br />llrady', P4r. Fahey reporCed ChEit since the last Council meeC~ing the owner of <br />Li.quor Rs~acly's has made no attempt Co correct the noisct probl.ern at Che liquor <br />License esCabl.ishment. 'Chec~efore, the C~ity Attorney has proceeded to f,i.l.e a <br />cornpla;i.nt agziinst T3rady's on br-,halP ot several. res:idents of the <br />Agenda tra:tler c.our.t. <br />Adcl.ition <br />~(r_s. Dlardini. a,ked if: Rrady's ente:rta;i.nmont 1S.cense should P>c~ <br />si.isp~~nded, A~!r. Fahey slaT.ed tl,~at this is the next step Che Cit.:y <br />would t~lce< <br />~1rs. aslced why t.:}ie Ci.Cy Attorncy caoulcl represent the nei~hbors <br />~in this inatt:F;i-. Tkie Attorney replied that Chere ~is basis for a <br />crim~.na1 compl.aint. <br />T1i~ Ci.Cy C;l.erlc po;i.ntcd out thaC he wi7.1. be mai.l.i.n~ out appli_cat9.ons <br />for 1i.c~uor license rencwals i.n t:t~e nexC week. <br />A~!r. Fahey sugaested Ch~it as ,a c.ondi.Ci.on of, the of the l~iquo,r <br />license, T3rady's sl~ould be to correcC the probJ.em. <br />r~[r. Pahey i.nCxodi.iced the f_ol7owin~ re~sol~t~[on and moved it, aclopCion: <br />ftt?SQGUT:[ON N0. &5-3-1.13 - IL7STt2I1CL'IA7G 'C1~117, CI'I'V <br />CLT;Rt<. TO JiR1'sC'[' F~ Li?'C'CPR 'CO i32ADY'S ApVISI~~G <br />T1~CF,?4 Tt-(A'P, I3J3'f6dEliP1 NOtd ADip S~ikIEN T1~T;:[R LIQiJ0.2 <br />T ICIin1SI?, IS Ul? P03 Ri:NPSJAt, ON JIRdI? 30, 1935, 7'}ITY <br />r~IJS'l S'AP.G 'Pi~ll. N),CItSSARY S'I"fP> 7'0 PNSURP 'I.'t~tA7 PHF12E <br />IS NO SOUND F20P4 MUS:IC ET4It~1~7'7.NG I3Is'YOND 'f1iLIY <br />FlUII,DING I,I,NfITS ADID 'CHEY SblOiJI~D TA(<i~i ANX S'1P1?S <br />Dll?CPSSt\RY TO CEASli DISTURi3TNG THEIP F11?"CC!1730}2S <br />AD?D :[1? SUCIt >TF:,PS ARP, t~7pT Te\ISEN IP'(P`CDIAT~I,Y, T!II'sY <br />CO?7i.A T'AC~ SUSPI.SNS:CON AND/OP Rb;VOICATIONOP'T}1FIK <br />TNTIdTZTA:[NMFNT LICP,PISIZ <br />Pa~;e --7_0- <br />