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r~Tr~uTrs <br />c;.r.y coun~;~. <br />MdYC}1 ~7~ 19~) <br />StreeC <br />Sweepi.n,n, <br />Ai.d <br />Apenda <br />Item No> 18 <br />Mr. Rlesener reported that Joe P,ossi. was the l.ow bi.dder for street <br />sweepinp., a bi.d of. $42.50 per hour. Mre 131esener recommended <br />that the b:id be awarded to Mr. Rossi.. <br />n1r. }ll.esener introduced the f.oll.owi.n;; reso7.ution and moved its adoption: <br />KESOLVLION N0. 85-3-139 - AtdARDI.NG 'PI-Ili STREET <br />SGIEEPING IITD POR 1985 TO TftL~ LOW BIl)DER, JOE <br />ROSSI AT A COS'f. OP $42.~0 PER HOUR <br /> For <br />Seal.coatirig <br />fJi.ds <br />Aqenda <br />Item No. 19 <br />Approvin~ <br />The <br />Voucher.s <br />Agenda <br />Item ~o. 7_0 <br />Chamber Of. <br />Commerce <br />Agenda <br />Item No. 21 <br />The foregoing resol.uti-on ~aas duly secondect by Mrs. Scala.e. <br />Ayes (5) Blesener, Scal.ze, Nardini., Collova, Pahey. <br />Nayes (0). <br />Resol.uti_on declared adopte<!. <br />This resoluti.on appears in Resoluti.on 13oolc No. 12, Page 137. <br />Mr. }3lesener i.ntroduced the followi.n~ resolution and moved i.ts adopti.on: <br />RESOLU'i'ION N0. F~5-3-140 - CAi,LING L'OR <br />St~,ALCOATING i3IDS FOR 1935 <br />The rssoluti.on was duly seconded by Mr. Pahey. <br />Ayes (5) Blesener, Collova, Pahey~ Nardini, Scalze. <br />Nayes (0). <br />12esolution declared adopted. <br />Thi> resol.ution appears in Resolution Llook No. 12, Pa~;e 13£3. <br />Mr. Fahey introduced the fol7.owing resoluti.on and moved i.CS adopti.on: <br />RESOI.,[77'ION DIO. ~35-3-7.41 - APPROVING TI~II; <br />VOUCHI;RS <br />'fhe f.orep, resolut:i.on was dul.y seconded i~y Mrs. Scalze. <br />Ayes (.i) Pahey~ Scalze, Nardini, Col.l.ova, )31.esener. <br />Nayes (0), <br />Resolution declared adopted. <br />This resol.ution appears i.n Resolut:i.on E~ook No. 1?_, ]?age 139. <br />Mrs. Nardini reported that Che Ci.Cy's representati.ves to Che Chamber <br />of Commerce are official inembers of. the Chamber. <br />Mrs. introduced the, resol.ution and moved its adopti.on: <br />Page -IJ- <br />