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MIDIIITLS <br />Ci.ty Counci.l <br />Mareh 7_7, 1985 <br />0'ICeef.'e <br />Property <br /> <br />(Cont.) <br />Mr. I~'ahey i.ntroduced t:he f.ollowing resoluti.on and moved its adopti.on: <br />RESOLU'I'ION N0. 85-3-124 - APPROVI~IG TI~IE <br />0'K$EPP PROPBRTX DIVISION INTO THRr.E LOTS <br />SUFJJECT TO THF; APPROVAL OB THP.t CITY PNGIN~I3R <br />ON THT PLACI7,M~NT OR DRAINAGP: AN- UTILI'I'Y 1,ASTMEN'PS <br />ON THE I.OTS RASL',D ON T}[E PRL;-EXISTING CONFIGURATION <br />OP 'CH~ LO'CS ANp 'PHT ENGINEER' S APYROVAI. OF '1'Ft~ LOT <br />SPLiT ITSELI' AND SUIlJ~CT TO TH£ A7'TORNL~Y'S REVIFW <br />OT 'CI~'Lii i'OR L;ASF.MFNT PtIRP~Sl:S ~R TITLE INSiIRANCP. <br />PROVID]:D AT THF OP7'ION OP THfi APPLICANT <br />'Che Foregoin~; resolution was duly seconded by Mr. Col.lova. <br />Ayes (5) Pahey, Col.lova, T3lesener, Nardini., Scal.ze. <br />Diayes (0). <br />Resol.ution declared adopted. <br />Thi.a reso'.tui.on appears in Resolution Boolc No. 12, Page l7_2. <br />~.Cmp. Dto. The Engi.neer submitted to the Counci.l a feasi.bil.ity report on Improvement <br />£?5-3 fi Imp. No. ~35-3, the im}~rovement of A ll.en Avenue from Payne Avenue to Thunder <br />No. 85-4 ?3ay ~ddi.ti_on by ri.ght-of.-way, grading, sttnitary sewcr, <br />~aatermai_n, stor.m sewer, gravel base, concrete curb and ~;utter and <br />Agen<la bitumi.nous surface. The esti.mated cost of the i.mprovement i.s <br />Item No. 7 b"109,354< The Fn~;i.neer explai.ned Chat Che cos[ caould be spread over <br />f2 l.ots ~t a cost of $13,669 pee 1ot. <br />The L;ngi.neer explai.ned that the Holz.schuh property has been assessed <br />along Payne Avenue. <br />Mr. Franlc appeared bef.ore the Council and explained that <br />witl~ouT. the i.mprovement, the property in that area cannot devel.op. <br /> that the cost cannoC be considered as an assessment <br />for one 1ot as the road, i.t al.lows for the property to develop. <br />The Fn~i.neer commented that Mr. i.s pointing out Chat A ll.en <br />Avenue wi.l.7 probably be a side str.eet with no homes devetoped on thi.s <br />sY.reeY.. tlowever, the Ci.ty has to assess the i.mprovement for what i.s <br />acCUalty there. <br />Mr. T'rattalone stated that the property i.n ttte ar.ea i.s not saleable <br />~oi_thout Allen Avenue. Once the street i.s Cn, the property owner.s can <br />either se11 thei.r property or devel.op i_t. <br />P4rs. Newman asked i.f the Ci.ty l~as plans .f.or the north-south streets. <br />Mrs. Scalze that the has adopted a thoroughf:are <br />for the area< <br />Mr, Prattalone aslced i.f. assessments could be deferred unti.l the <br />ehe pronerty devel.ops. <br />Paf;e -6- <br />