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T9.1N U1' 9"S <br />C:i.t:y Council. <br />Apei.l. 2<<, 1955 <br />Text th~se trxms def..iried. <br />Ameudmeiit <br />(Cont.) °Che OiC}r ~1CtornEZy sugge~sLed t:haC the mor~COri.urn be put i.n oedi.nance <br />forrn und ,pc:l.lecl out. 'Che ACtoi-ney staCed t:hae tl~~~is could be r.eady <br />by tk~ie next Coi,incil. meeti_n~. 'Cl~e AtCOrney al,o di.d not f.eel ti~et. <br />a publie I:ie~r~ing ~aould be necessary for Chi.s ord~i.nziiice. <br />P1r. ;dor; sta[~.ed C}iat the CouricJ.l shoi.ild not teel ~i.C has to act h~;t:i.l.y <br />in Chi.> matter because ,i.f. Kel'logg ~i., cl.osed it ~oon'C hap~~en u~~t~.i1 <br />i~ah. <br />(?ahey stated Chat t:he Ci[y shoiil.d cleclare a ~nd set u~ <br />a sCUdy session ancl invi_te the School. llisCrict artd Plannin, Comrnissi.on <br />to i.t to try t:o come up with a de,finit~ion. <br />~;r. Pahey inlroduced tl~~,~ Io1Lowl.~w resoltit:ion and moved its adoptiona <br />R~SOLUTTON N0. Fi5-4-194 - CI.OSING 'Cf{li PUISI~IC <br />III'sAP,ING ON 7'li~? °ROYOSFD T;'sY7' Ai>1EiVl)i~tii?1'C DCI?T~I~G <br />N,ETGIILtORl~l00D !-1ND COi9PfUP7ITY CEN'I'IiRS <br />'Che foregoini; resolution was duly seconded uy i`tfr. t~lesener. <br />Ayes (5) Pail'iey, 221esener, Co7.lova, Narclini, Scalze. <br />Naye.s (0). <br />P.esoluCion cleclarecl a<lopled. <br />Thi.s resoluti.on appears :i.n Resolution Boolc No. ].2, I?ac;e 194> <br />i4r. Fahey introduced Che Loll,owi.o~ resol.uti.on end rnoved i.ts ado~~ttion: <br />ZI.SOI.U'C~CON N0. 35-G-1.95 - 1.NS'C2tJC'CT~G Tft'E C:I:'I'Y <br />A'P,TOI2v73Y 'CO D;,2AW tIl? AN O7.ZDINANCIs FLACIidG A <br />i-10Rf~TOt2IUN[ 0~; 'CIIE lli?VLI,OPt~I~sN'C OP E1D7`Z PtJI'~L7:CLY <br />'l.Ot~')iU PROPtiR'I'Y AND~OR SAI,Ii Oi~ e1NY PIIBL'LCL`l, <br />70N11) PROPERTY WITICT,N 'CItl7, CI'i'Y OF I.,f'P'CLli CANADA <br />PtinIDING 'CI~IG COP~IPLl:7.'IOA] OF A S7'UI~Y AND ADOPTIOD; <br />OF A D~s'['~INI:'I'ION OP CO~~(MINI'PY CPDI'J'PF, A~ll <br />NF,IGt-IT30RHOOU CL,N'L'ER, 'PI-Iii A10I2A'COR.IU~f NO'1' 'L'0 <br />EXCI;[LU SIX i40PITHS OR 'i'0 i3G RIiN.IOVF.D EARI,ItiR <br />AT 'L'HI:? ADOPTIODI OP' A DE~P]:i;I"f.I~N <br />'I'hc; foregoi.n;; resoluti.on was du7.y seconded by ~tfr. lllesener. <br />Ayes (5) T'ahey, $lesener, Scalze, Coll.ova, Aiaec(ini.. <br />6fayes (0). <br />Resolution decl.arecl adoptect. <br />'Chi_, resol.ution appears i.n Resoluti.on I~ooic No< 12, P~ge 195. <br />Recess At tllis ~oint :i.ri the the ~~layor cal.led a short recess. 'I'}ie <br />meeCi_n~ wa, reconvened et: 9;~+3 P.P',[. <br />Pzt~;e -1.i- <br />