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:1lAltt'I'I.'s5 <br />C:ity Coi.inci.l <br />~pri_L 7G., 1935 <br />Spoon~r P;;irl,c Scal.ze reported that the School D~i.str-[ct P~as been requested to <br />(Cont.) notif.y i:he City wYi~n it i~ias its long-rmn,e pl.ans formulaCed. <br />~~(r. 731esener asked what Che C.i.ty wi11 do iP the issue of S~~~ooner Parlc <br />and ball,fi.elds comes up at ChF st~rne <br />Mr.s. Sca7ze reporf:ed that tfle Pe.irlc Coir,mi.ssion's ne~-r ~osi.ti..on is Chat <br />pactc dedi.cat_i.on c<in l~e usec.I f:or Che purc;kia~~~_ of ba11f.:~cld, ove.r <br />an<I ai~ove wtiat Che City mi;~hC ~eC i.~~ ded~icat_i.on fees Erom the <br />Cencervi.lle Ro~d area. <br />~op Mrs. Scalze eeporCed t:haC Jim woulcl l.i)ce to put a pop machinE <br /> -i_n the lobby oI the Ci.ty Cente.r with proceeds to ~o Co the Re;creati.on <br />Aoenda f~ssociation. <br />~dc(i tion <br /> 'fh~~re aaas ;;ome cone.ern thaC. t:he machi. ne m~ic;hc mess up t:l'ie ct~rp~c, <br /> and ih was suggested Chat: the machi.i~ie be. :i.nstal.ted on a trial. basis. <br />;~fr. 31ESener ;i.ntroduced the follotio:in, rer,oluci.on ~nd moved i.ts ~ido~ti.on: <br />RE;50LtLCION N0. 35-4-203 - AQ'CT[f)RTZ:CNG 'CHP <br />BEC~213AT;LOtd ASSOCIA7'ION TO 7~.NS'P~1.LI, ~1 POP <br />;1[1CI1:f.NE :f.h~ 'fl{t: LOESBY OP THF Cl~.'CY C13N PER f'OR A <br />TR:CF.L Y7'.'RIOD Or 6T.X N[0~A'CidS <br />The fiore,v,oing ~resoltitlon was duLy seconded by t^.r~. Co].lova. <br />Flyes (5) Ill.esener, Coll~va, Nar.dini, Scalze~, 6ahey. <br />Nayes (0). <br />Resolution decl.ared adopted. <br />'Chi.s resoJ.irt~ion appears i.n KesoLution }3ook No. 1'2., ,l'~i~e ?63. <br />Audie 'Che C,ity Clexdc reque>Ced thaC ~~ workshop m~>eCi.n~ be cal.led in orcier to <br />G?orlcs,nop the audiC repor.t. <br />Agenda ~4r, 'L'ahey ~introduced the Followi.n~; resoluti.on and movecl its adopCi.on: <br />Stc.m No. 17 <br />Itf?SOLirrSON No< 85-4-2o~F - CAI.,LI.T7G roR A <br />tdORiCSkIOP MErTING ~PI ,4AY 29, 1935 AT 7 P.?1. <br />'i'0 Jtf:CL,IV), T1,IE AUDITOR'S n1;Y0R'I' <br />The EorenoinF resol.uti.on was dul.y secondeel by Mr;. Scalze. <br />~yes (5) 7?~hey, Scal.ze, Narcclin~i., Collova, 1;7.nsericr. <br />N~ayes (0). <br />Resol.ution clecl.ared adopCed. <br />7'his resolution ~ppears i.u ?~esoluti.~n ~oolc No. 12, Pa;e 204. <br />~lr.. Fahey nof:ed that:. tl,ie ~-lay ]. worksllop ineeting is rfl€;ardi.n; clrainage <br />di.;Cr:i.cCS :in t11e GiCy. <br />Peige -20-- <br />