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L[I NiJ'CP 6 <br />City Co~mci.1 <br />Apri.1 24, 1985 <br /> some tt~ii.iif;s th~ PiIl) desi~;naL~.ion ~in rrtturn ~~or some concess~ions <br />Area YUD on Che: p~rC of. the devel.oper. 'i'he 'Planner sCaCed thz:tt: thcy are <br />(Cont<) concerned that ai.tli t:he amount o,f property owners involved ta~~d no <br /> apparent projects, just slnping tt~ie de;si.~;nation on an acea wi11 cause <br /> problems. <br />Mrs. Clardini. pointed out thaC Y,he City Attor.ney indi.caCed that the <br />City c~n do Chis. The Att:orney agreed< <br />~~Ir. Co11ov~ as(ced ca}i~C the Planraer recommended. 1'he Pl.anner fe1.P: tnat <br />t!te conctitionail use process shou.l.d 1>e us~d. <br />Mr. P,lesener staCed that the PUD desi.~;nat~.i.on woul.d ensure that all <br />developments went t:hroug}r the Council for a~proval. I.n that way the <br />Counci.l cai~~ get t:he Cype oL consCructi.on desirable Co the City and the <br />EtTElE3 . <br />The PLanner stated t:hat i.f, the zone remai_ns, t).~e Ci.ty would <br />not neecl a to add the PIJI) desi.anation. <br />Mr. Pahey su~gested Ch~~t the C:ity could just zone Che j~~roperty PUD. <br />Scatze po-i.nCed out that then someonE coul.d apnroaich tl~e Ci[y saiCh a <br />commerci_al. developmenC. <br />'Che Pl.anner agreed that ~mder the 'PUD des~i.~naCi.on any land use 1~i.sted in <br />the ordi.nance is a permitted use~ but the Ci.ty Council. would have the <br />di.screCi.on of what is allowed. <br />Mrs. Scalze f.e1t i.t would be ~as~i_er if Che CiCy stra[,r-.d up tront: what <br />i.t would all.o~.o i.n the au~ea. <br />PQr, fahey a,l.ced if Che City should draw up a of acceotable~ uses and <br />1.f these sk~ould be filecl ag~~inst tlie abstracts oL CPie proucr.t.y. f3lesener <br />~F.elt the C.ity should Che developer.s guidelines as to what the Ci.P_y <br />will accept. Collova a,n,rced tl~imt devel.o~cirs skiould be a~vare alxeed oL <br /> orhat T.hea Ci.ty mants. <br />7'ht~ Ci.ty ACtorney st2ted Chat there are places in Che orclinanee for <br />such standards or. else the Ci.ty cou7.d seC up a ne~a distri.ct: the <br />standar<Is iC wtints. S~oeeney fe1t. th~.iC thi, shoul.d be worlced out at <br />the ~ubli_c hearing. 'Lhe Att:orney st:ated Chsit the Ci.ty i.s noC i.n a <br />posi.tiun to r~cord t:hings on abstracts as Co how Che prope.rty caill. <br />develop. 'Che Qi.ty can zone a property and the properLy would develop <br />accordi.n„ t:o tFie zoning di.strict. <br />t9r. B7.esener k~oint:ecl out that ehe orcl:inance statera t},~~t a?UD is intended <br />to have a hip,her standard oI clesign. With a PUD che CiCy czin <br />cr.eate a 1~iighF~' standard of buil.cling. <br />9J,1e Pl.anner Le1t [hat: the area ,hould b~. a PtJD conditional use <br />per.m:i.ts. 'Mrs. Scalce pointed out that the C:Ct:y rezoned Ryan's Industri_11 <br />Park a PUD t:o b~-pass tku: condi.ti.onal use process. Scal.ze poi.nted <br />oat I:hat: Rutk~ SCreeC w~is rezoned R-2 PUD. <br />1'age -3- <br />