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i II. NU'CJ; i <br />CiCy <br />May 1, 1985 <br />Ill.esener potinted otrt th~t. thS.s is r~.ip,l~~(:l.y so as ~rid induscx•~i~it <br />generate more rurn-o[f. du~ to a higl~ier amount of. blackCOp. <br />h!r. Fahey commcnted tFiaC in t.tie past the Ci.[y has been paying f:or storm <br />seur~-~.r projects f:rom Che ;eneral. Luncl, ~ah:ich woul.d p;o baclc on the assessrd <br />val~iaCion of properties. Pahey astcec{ if under. Chapter 444, the cost <br />~aould appear ~s parG oE~ ~s;essments, rather thian taxes. <br />I'~rr~ham x~e~~lied that ~i.t woulc~l appear as p~r~ o[ general. taxes, <br />i1rs. ucal.ze E~ointed out th~t thc City h~s Piad t:exes because~ ~it: put <br />tkie City's water- system ancl to~aer on p,eiierral. taxes, rath~r Chan asyessieig <br />a71 t:he costs~. Scalzc stuted lJiaC C.his mechu.l would malce the City'> <br />taxes hi.gher< <br />~Ir, T+ahcy poi.nted out thaC in 1997, Che City'; bond inclebtedness w~ill. <br />drop greaCl~. <br />'Cl~e Lngi_neer stated th~t the CiCy assessed 20% of i:he Ci.ty's ioater system <br />and toFVer and 60% was placed on general Caxes. Other projects usual.l.y <br />plc~iced 20% on s~eneral Caxes and £~0% assessed, The iinPineer also sCated <br />Ckiat the Ciey's *aat..c.r sysLem was ~aid for by th<~ I'ederll ~;overnm~~~nt for <br />about a third of the co,(:. <br />P1r. ['~n-nham poi_nted out Chat C.he City can ,tr~,ictw'e sewer i.mprovemcnt:s <br />to correspond with bond i_ssues sp th~it i.s iiot 1 i.ip <br />aind down. '1'he City cnn time ancl ph;ise t11c. i.mprovemenCS. <br />~~lary Dyrseth oE 13rigps ~nd :Korgan appcar.ed befor.~e the Council. DyrsE>tl~ <br />poi.nCC:d oi~t thaC properCy tt~7ces arre tax decluct.i.ble while assessiuE:nCs <br />are not. <br />1>yrseth expleinFd chat: in order Co set up -a tax disGeict, Che City wil.l <br />have Co adopt an or.d~inance to thi_s effect by a 1/3rd's vote o(` the <br />CounciL. Prior to the ordi.nance aclopted, a pulilic}; must <br />P>e hel.d ~ai.tll a tcao weel<, published noti.ce and the 7.ast ~> noCice <br />seven dayy prior to rhe tteari.n~. The ordinauce is Ii.l.e~l Che Coi.inty <br />Auditor and County Recorder. 'Che ord.inance must be publ.ished wi.thi.n 30 <br />dlys of adopti.on. <br />r4rs. Scalze aslced if. a sCorm se.wer impeovernenC went: <br />Roucl airea, wpuld tF~e wPiole district be assessed for <br />replied that the cost covuld be s~1~i.t ac~u~lly, based <br />througho~it thc: whole distr~i.ct. <br />- Parnh~un ~l,so pointc~d out that there aee no maited n~ <br />tPie distrl.cC. k4owevcr, there ~~re mailcd notices Co <br />_ ~ cl:i.,trict ~ahen an imy~rovement i.s con•i.derecl< <br />in I:he CenCervi.lle <br />CkiF cost. .~Sr.. P'arnham <br />on assessed v~iluati.on, <br />~ti.ces i.n esCabl.ish:i.n„ <br />t`V8Y'yOtlf_ :i.i'1 Ct1P. <br />@1rs. Nardini aslced if the City could hold onc Eor al.l. ~i.mprovements <br />cons,ider-etd for one year's tirne, f,~arnham e~epiied tL~t the Ci.Cy set <br />' <br />up a f.Lve-year £or exarople, and hol.d a on t:he plan. <br />i\ <br />Yra~;e -2--. <br />