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05-28-85 Council Workshop Minutes
City Council Meeting Minutes
05-28-85 Council Workshop Minutes
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P1iNlJT1:S <br />C:i.t:y Council <br />2~ <br />May,~2-, 19£35 <br />Neigl~borhood Ntr. Clausen agreed thz~t Paisvie~o was busy witti seni.or citizen programs, <br />&CCommwrity day cax•e pro£;rams, einployees comi.ri~; and going< <br />Center.s <br />(Cont,) Mrse Davison ~slced what. would be done witli the acreage around <br />KeLlogg, Mr.. Clausen replied that i.f a community center is establ.i.shed, <br />the acreage cvould be used f:or recreaLi.onal. purposes as i.t i.s presentl.y <br />usecl, <br />1'ahey steCed Chat the properly has been publi.c for many years and Che <br />City has subsidize<1 it. Fal~ey did not want to see the property so1d. <br />Pahey commented thaC he would like to see the property used as a <br />c.ommuntity center. and the City continue to use the ballfields. Pahey <br />was opposed to a toCal take-over ot' the buil.ding; by anyone and felt <br />that the proper.ty shoiil.d be used in a way t:hat wi.11 benefit Lit[1e <br />Canada and other <br />Mr. Schultz st:ated that l~ie would lil<e Co see the provision in Che <br />].ease clause that the CiCy ot' Roseville has the right to deny ].eases <br />at :in leases if Kellogg i.s turned i.nto a community center. <br />Fahey poi.nted out that that clause ~i.s a recogniti.on by the School. <br />Di.s[ri.ct thaC they ct~nnot Lorce on the C:i.ty. Cl.ausen agreed <br />that tl~e slme language could be used ~in leases for ICell.ogg. <br />Mrs, Scal.ze Eel.t that the CiCy's de£ of communiry and nei.ghborhood <br />centers sliould be sCx•onger. Mr. I3lesener su~;gested that Che Ci.ty Attorney <br />reviecv the <br />Mr, Clausen asl<ed iS the Ci.ty f:oresaw that every organi.zati.on ChaC <br />wanted to rent sk~ace would have to apply to the City and ~ public <br /> he1d. <br />F'ahey stated that he f.el.t that the School D~istri.ct ,houlcl run Cheir <br />own thing wiChin the definition oI communi.ty cenCer or ncighborhood <br />center th~at Che Council agrees on, Pahey commented ttiat i.f.~ someCl~iing <br />was not coverE:d by the defi_ni.tion, then the School Distri.ct would have <br />Co approach che Council.. Pahcy sugge>ted that t:he terms community <br />c> er. < nei hborho d cent be defi.ned na.rrowl but noC t:oo narrowly <br />4 RES-85-6-274 C~`~$~y~ ~~~~• ~~~' not ~'e u~sg2h~6~1e a~s a comr~un~ty ceYr~ter <br />nd t~ien e i,tri.ct wou c ave o comc ~ac to tie Council wit:h <br />any organizati.on thaC would not be covered i.n the or.di.nance. <br />Mrs. Davison asl<ed about overni.ght housinc;. Scalze poi.nted out that <br />Chis is not all.owed i.n Ci.ty Code. <br />Iahey suggested thaC the def:iniCi.on contai.n a li.sC:ing o£ used that <br />woul.d be allowed, and <i l.isting of th~ings Chat. are not a11.o~vecl< <br />Clausen aslced about one-ni.ght stays. P1rs. commented that the <br />orcti.nance reLers to dormiCories. <br />Fahcy asked what each oE the various organi.zati.ons in Fairview does. <br />Clausen reptied thak Reality Insti.tute is an AA orgartiiation; Children's <br />ilome Society provi.des care f:or pre-school.ers; Job Servi.ce provi.des <br />job placement; Youth Servi.ce Bureau provides counseling f:or youth and <br />Page -12- <br />
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