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P4INi7'I'13S <br />City Coucicil <br />Jw~e 26, ]985 <br />~:amscy <br />Count_Y <br />-~nti.t].crnent <br />(Cont.) <br />The Ci.t:y Cl.ez~lc suggested Cl~iat tl~ie Counc~l wait uritil he receives cl,~e <br />a~reement Erom the County Y,~efore t1'iey Cal:e acCior~. <br />i'lr. Collova reyuesCed thaC he be „i.ven a copy of. t:l~c mi.n~iees from <br />tl~e Ji.ily 10 rna~~et~i.~n~;. <br />;rfr. Johnson stlted that t_he program :i.s very broad. tixamples of. what <br />would be el.~i-gibl.e arc rehabililacion pt~ojecCS, business ].oan ~ro~rzlms, <br />sCOrm slu~l.t:er>. <br />17aheq aslced wl~~en Che pro~ra*.n would be i.n pl.ace., Johnson r.epl:ied that <br />casl~ i~.ows would ~e~;~i.n ear7.y oi 1J86. <br />',1r.. Plesener aske<l how projects woulcl be chosen Ior fundin[,;. yr.. <br />Juhnso~t repli.ed that thi.s cri.Ccri.a wotild be worlced out wiCPi the <br /> <br />137.esener su~~;ested thtit there 'oe one cepresEneative per community, <br />versus basi_n~ representaCion on populati.on. Mr. .Johnson stratecl tnaC <br />he di.d not. lcno~a ho~v Chi.s caoul.d mork and explained i:ha~ llalcota Co~mty <br />was clivided i.nto eireas and Chen two represenCati.ves were chosen irum <br />each area. <br />Stenoer "Che CiC.y Gngineer re~orCed thant h~ lias rev~iewed tlic_ clrai.nage pl~xns <br />Dr~nina~e fo~r Che Stenger projr.cC ~~ind fi.nd, Chem to be sati.sfactory, 41r. <br />Stengc.r explalnecl the drainage pl.ans to C:L~e Counc:i.l. <br />Agenda <br />~ddiC:ion ~tfrs. Kle9.n noted Cliat: at Che begi.nning of the ~Qr. I37.esencr <br />^~ade sane. com~nents her property and the SCenf;er proprrty <br />anQ t<ix i.nceeroent £:inanc:ing. Mrs, Klein asi<ed that CL~iose comments <br />be exp].a~i_tied. <br />~tr. 131esener ststed th~aC at Che 1asC he commenCed i.n <br />di.sct.ission about thc Centervi.lle Road area t:i~at tax incsement <br />f~inanc:i_n~; should be. considered. Blesener. exp1.ained that Cax <br />financing i_s a~aay oi e~nticing a developer. aiso comment:ed <br />that there. in<iy be other ~ir.eas ~aiChi.n Clie C~i[y thac could be i.mprovec( <br />or devel.oped. ;f3lesener st~iced Chat he said thaC the iCen,er/Klein <br />property coulcl possLb).c be a p,ood area Por t:his. "I'he St.:eneroden <br />properCy was rnent_~ioned. <br />~ir. }31es~ner poi.ntecl out th~iC uncter i:he SCenger proposal tl~~e: Ci.Cy :is <br />~e~Cing a sm~ll of'.S'i.ce ~uilcli.n;. 'Ltie Ci.Cy mi.~;he be abl.e t.o ;et a <br />1ar~ e off. ice it A4r.s. Kl.ein werv~ willin~ t:o scl.l. hex~ property. <br />'f.he CiCy has some opCions under t2x incrernent iinanci_n~ Chat i.t i.s <br />not: chosi.n~ to <br />2~[t~. SCeneer. com~nented t1~aC under tax incr.ement;, thc: C-i.Cy <br />could condemn properey. <br />Prtge -~ 1.3~- <br />