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MINUTGS <br />City Counc~il <br />July lo, 1985 <br />Assessrnent The C~ity Clerk requested that the Council cal7. an assessment <br />Hearing for Imp. £33-19, Charles Addi.ti.on, for Au~ust 2II, 1985. <br /> <br />Addition P1r. Pahey intro<tuced the Lollowing resolution and moved its adoption: <br />A~;enda RESOLUTION N0. 85-7-340 - CALLING FOR AN <br />Item No< 11 ASS~SSMPNT HFARING POK IMP. F13-19, CI(ARLES <br />ADDITION, FOti AUGUST 28, 19II5 AT 7:30 P.M. <br />The [oregoin~ resoluti.on was duly seconded by Mrs. Nardini, <br />Ayes (5) Pahey, Nardini, Scalze, F3lesener, Collova. <br />Nayes (0). <br />Resolution declared adopted. <br />'Lhis resolution appears in Resol.ution flool< ~o. 12, Page 345. <br />Re-Assessment The City Clerlc requested that the Council call an assessment hearing f:or <br />Of Deferred the r.e-assessment of sanitary sewer assessment on County Road C. Th~is <br />Assessment assessment ~vas initially def.erred, buC should not be r.eassessed as the <br />County Rd> C properties are now benefiting. <br />Agenda Mrs. Scalze introduced Che following resolution and moved its adoption: <br />Item No. 12 <br />R.F.SOLUTION N0. 85-7-341 - CALLING FOR A PUBLIC <br />tIEARING ON THE REASSESSMENT OP DETERRED SANITARY <br />SLWEK ASSFSSMENT ON COUN'TY ROAD C, U/P 8'L, <br />AUD> 1409 FOR AUGUST 28, 1985 <br />The foregoing resolution was duly seconded by Mrs. Nardini. <br />Ayes (5) Scalze, Nardini, Fahey, Collova, Blesener. <br />Nayes (0). <br />Resolution declared adopted. <br />This resolution appears i.n Resoluti.on t~ook No. 12, Page 346. <br />Re-Assessment The Clerk is requesting a hearing Lor reassessment of a deferred <br />Of Deferred assessment on Viking Drive be called for August ?_8. <br />Assessment <br />Viking Drive Mr. Collova introduced the following resolution and moved its adoption: <br />Agenda R~SOLUTION N0. 85-7-342 - CALLING FOR A <br />Item No. 13 tlEA13ING ON Ti~IE REASS}iSSMG N'T OF DL'PERRED <br /> ASSESSMFN7' D/P 0070, AUD. 1229, VIKING <br /> DRIVFi FOR AUGUST 2E3, 1985 <br />The f.oregoing resolution was dul.y seconded by Mr. 331esener. <br />Ayes (5) Collova, Blesener, Nardini, Scalze, :~ahey. <br />Nayes (0). Resolution declared adopted. <br />This resoLution appears i.n Resolution ~ook No. 12, Page 347. <br />Page -13- <br />