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07-24-85 Council Minutes
City Council Meeting Minutes
07-24-85 Council Minutes
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rsiNUTr~s <br />City Council <br />,July 24, 1935 <br />Klidzejs <br />PasemenC <br />htatter (Cont.) <br />Stdte <br /> <br />Code <br />A~enda <br />ICem No. 7 <br />Mr. Fahey suggested that the City Cl.erlc notify Mr. CClidzejs that <br />a pubLic heacing wi.ll. be necessary. <br />'Che I3uild~in~; Inspector, }3ud Nagovslcy, r.eported that he explained his <br />posi.tion in his letter of. July 23 on the SCate 13vildin~; Code and <br />Chapter 70. Nagovsky stated that Cliapter 70 is more restri.ctive than <br />T.he City Co<le as i.t addresses f:i.ll.i,ng lancl for a structure to be <br />on the Land. <br />Nagovslcy also commented that Ordi.nance 239 does not provide £or an <br />exception column< Nagovslcy stated that one exception should be when <br />a basement: is dug f.or a home. Current Code requires that ari excavaiti.on <br />permit be taken out for this. <br />Nardini. thou~;ht that this was part of the permit. Nagovsky <br />replied that Chis is not cover.ect in Ordi.nance No. 239. <br /> reported that the Counci.l di.scussed that the f.ill f.rom a <br />basement excavation is fine, but any more woulct require a Ei11 permi.t.. <br />rir. Collova commented Chat the CiY.y's payment schedule i.s poor and <br />suggested that a graduatedpayment schedule would be better. <br />Collova pointed out that if someone wants to bring thei.r yarcl up one foot <br />Lor a oarden, 2 ti.ll permit would cost them ~500 not the cost <br />of. topos. <br />Nardini Lelt that the City's fee schedule ~aas to cover engineering <br />and inspecCion costs. Any portion of the fee not used in Chese costs, <br />is usually ref.unded. <br />P1rs, Scalze stated that she was not aware of. aeiyone requesting a Li11 <br />permi.t for a garden. Mr. Coll.ova repl.i.ed that there is a request. <br />Scalze aslced how it wi11 etfect the neighbors if th:i.s yard i.s brought <br />up one Loot. Collova replied ttiat the neighbor.s would lil<e Co do Che <br />same thing. The DiVR has been contacted and this is all ri.ght <br />them. <br />Tlr. l~ahey commented that everyone i.n the <br />raise thei.r yarcis £or a garden. Collova <br />the permit. <br />It was again poi.nted out t:haL f:ees not u <br />stated that the Counci.l felt Chat a <br />problems for the City. <br />Ci.ty could say they ~.~ant to <br />questi.oned the high cost o£ <br />~ed are ref:un<led. Scalze <br />high Lee, iC would eliminaCc <br />Nardin~i. reported that the Counc~i.l spent a 1ot of time on this i.ssue, <br />It Uras suggesCed that the Council holcl a worlcshop on Chapter 70. <br />Pa~e -12- <br />
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