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MINU'ClS <br />City Counci.l <br />July 24, 1985 <br />Parlc <br />~,ommi~s~lon <br />(Cont>) <br />Softbatl. <br />Agenda <br />Addi.ti.on <br />A:L1 Councilmembers voCed to appoi.nt Mr. Fi.tzgerald to the Parlc <br />Comrni>sion to Li11 the vacancy created by the resi.gnati.on of <br />Niclc Kent. <br />Mrs. Scalze reported thaC the Little Canada sof~ball p1.c~~yoLf's cvi.11 <br />be held in Spooner Parlc this weelc-end beCween the I..iCtle Canada~ and <br />Maple~vood leagues. <br />Sceilze further reported that this is Nat:ional. Softbal.l Weelc and Chat <br />sofCbal.l is the ~/{1 sPort in Minnesota more than 1 mill.i.on players. <br />Scalr.e stated thaC Li-ttle Canada i.s not unique i.n its need for more <br />bailfi.elds. <br />Reg:ion Scalze reported that she ~aas astced why the C:iCy supported the appointment <br />Tr.ansi.t of I3ernard Skrebes to the Region Transi.t I3oard. Apparently, Chere <br />13oard were other applicants to Che pos:i.t~i.on that Che Ci.ty Cowlcil was not <br /> aware of. <br />Agenda <br />Ad<liti.on Scalze su~;gested thaC the next time an appoi.ntm ent of this nature comes <br /> up, the City shoulcl l ook at all the candidates. <br />Gambling The City has recei.ved an application f:rom the Jacobson American <br />License Legion Post 1f487 to operate a pull tab booth at Dick and Mary's. <br />Appl.ication <br />~Ir. Fahey i.nCr.oduced the foll.owing resoluCion and moved its adopt:ion: <br />A~;enda <br />Addi.ti.on Rk3SOLUTIO~ N0. f15-7-375 - APPROVING A GAMBLING <br />LIC~NSE APPLICATION POK THL' SAC013SON AhIGRTCAN <br />LIiGION AUXI,LIARY POST ,~~4II7 AT DICK AND MARY's <br />'Phe foregoing reso7.ution was duly seconded by Mrs. Scalze, <br />Ayes (5) Pahey, Sca].ze, Col.l.ova, Narciini., 131esencr. <br />~ayes (0). <br />ResoluCion declared adopted. <br />'t'his r,FSOlution appears i.n Resolution 13ook No. 12, Page 380. <br />Adjourn Mr. Fahey introduced the Eollowin~; resol.uCi.on and moved i.CS adopti.on: <br />i <br />Agenda RESOL[J'CION N0. 85-7-376 - ADJOURNING <br />Item No. 70 <br />The resol.ution was duly seconcled by Mrs. Scalze. <br />Page -2L- <br />