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e1.r.rro•rzs oi= •rxc areur,E~R rirL~rzrrc <br />c,z~rr coi7~cr.1, <br />LiT'I'Lls CANADA, P9INNE;S07'A <br />August 14, 1.9£35 <br />Pursu~nt Co due cal.l aind noCi_cc t.:hereof a regular ineet:i.n~; of Cl~e <br />Council of tkie Ci.ty of Li.ttle Ganada, ~(icinesota was held on t:he 14tii <br />day of August, 1985 i.n the Council Chamber, of the City Center 7.ocaCed <br />~.~t 515 I.,i.tCle Canada Road in Ci.ty. <br />Agenda Mayor M:i.chael. Fflhey cl~ai.rcd tkie m<:,etin~ ~nd catl.ed i.t. to order at <br />Item Dlo. 1 7:30 P.N1. and the f:ollowing meinbers caero pre sent aC rol.l. cal.l: <br />A~enda MP:MI3rRS PRIiSl IVT: ~layor Mr. ~lichael. L'ahey <br />Item No. 2 Cotmcilman Mr. William Fl1es<t~iex• <br /> Counci.lman i4r.. Ri.clc Coll.ova <br /> Counci-l.woman P1rs . Hu~;s Nard~ini. <br /> Council~ooman 29rs . Bever.7.y Scalze <br /> ALSO PRI?SPN't.: City Clerlc Mr. Joseph Chlebeclc <br /> Ci.ty ACtorneys Mr. George i3orer <br /> ~ir, Thomas Sweeney (arri.ved ~4:OSP.M.) <br /> Pn~;i.neer Mr. Jonalhan Paraci. <br /> Secretary Nirs . Kathlcen Glanzer <br />A~proval <br />' Mr. Blesener introcluced the fo1.lo~ving re so].u Cion and moved i.t, adoption: <br />OL 'L <br />hc <br />Minutes R~SOL,UTION N0. 85.-g_377 - <br /> <br />Agencla A RGSOLU'C70fd A1?PROVING TH£ MIDIIPCI;S OP <br />I:tem No. 3 TFIli JULY 24, ].985 CpUNCI7, MPPT:CNC <br />'1'he resoluti.on was duly seconded by T4rs. Scal.ze. <br />Ayes (5) ~lesener, Scalze, Nardini, Fahey, Collova. <br />Nayes (0). <br />12esolution decl.arec! adopted. <br />Thi.s resol.uti.on appears i.n Resolution Iloolc No. 1.'L, k'age 382. <br />~`1rs. introduced the foll.o*.oi.n~; resolution and moved i.CS adopt~ion: <br />RTsSOLU'P~tON N0. 85-£3-378 - <br />A RESOLUTION Al'PROVING '19~1~ MTNUTJs'S OF TkII?. <br />A1IGUST 8, 1.985 SPGCTAL COUNCIL NlliP;'CING <br />'I'he foregoing resolution was duly seconcled by Mrs. Scalz.e. <br />Ayes (5), ScaLze, Collova, Fahey, k3lesener. <br />Nayes (0). <br />Re,oluti.on declared aclopted. <br />"I'hi, resolution appears i.n iZesolution ISool< No. 12, I'age 3£33. <br />1'age -1- <br />