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~z~irrrs <br />City Council <br />August 14, 1.9E35 <br />Yorlcton increased to l.£30 days. <br />F:i.ll. Permi.C <br />(Cont.) i~tr. f;l.esener requested that the permit be conti.ngent upon cl.ean streets <br />being mairitai.necl. Mr. Lee was s~greeabl.e to this and pointed out that most <br />of tkte ivorlc will. be on-si.te. <br />Mrs. Scalze as!<ed abouC par.t< plans. Mr. Lee repli.ecf that he has a plan <br />but ~oants to meet tlie ne~i~hbors beLore lie comes Co Che 1?arlc <br />Commissi.on with Che plan. <br />C9rs, Scalze introduc.ed the resoluti.on ancl movecl its adoption¢ <br />liI?SOLUTION N0. ESS-8-3£30 - Apl?ROVING AN L;XCAVATT.ON <br />ADID FILL !?LRMIT I'OR YORKTON ON A 90-DAY RENEN~AL~ <br />13ASIS S1ITH THli OPTION OP TI-!li P~C2i~1IT IIEING RE~I.S1A13L1i <br />EVPRY 90 DAYS A`L Tlll's APPROV~IL OP TI~t7s I3UILllING <br />SNSPCCTOR WIT140U'C MR. LliG' S APPEARADICE? TiliFORF' '.i'flG <br />COU~CIL AND DIiCLAR]:NG TFIAT AT T4IP POZN7' TIiE N$6d <br />EXCAVATION AND I':CLL OP..DINANCIi IS ADOPTISll, TFiIi 90- <br />DAY 7?ROVISION ~diLL lNCl2~ASP 'f.0 1£30 DAYS AND WITFI <br />TktE PUR'i'F(liR REQU'.CREMPiU'I' T1~IAC THE S'CKi~,T';1'S SN Ti-IG <br />ARI;A ISP: KLPT CLEAN <br />The resol.ution w1s duly seconcled by Mr. Collova. <br />Ayes (5) NarcLLni., Scalze, Collova, Paheq, 131esener.. <br />Nayes (0). <br />1.2esolut.i.on declared adopCecl. <br />'Phi.s resolut:i.on appear, in Resol.uC~.ion 13001< No. 1.2, Pa~;e 3£;5. <br />I.,arry Lee Mr. :Lee a~peared before the Counci.l and reporCed Chat i~e is buyi.n~; an <br />I~~ revenue ~ond allocation f:rom the City ot Parlc Rap~.i.ds. Lee <br />requested Chat the Counci.l approve this pucchase. Mr. Lee, reporCed that <br />Agenda he will i.ncur a11 costs in the transaction. <br />Itent ~o. 17 <br />P~Ir. ;ll.esener stated ChaC he thought Chat: Mr. Lee was obtaininq IRl3's <br />Lrom Washin~ton County. t4r.. Lec reported that he and he wil.l be <br />usi.n; these Punds on a project i.n :9endota IleighCS. <br />~~tr. Lee ieported Chat he has Lo pay ~a half point for the Parlc Rapids <br />funds. Itowever, ther.e is legislat:ion that will put a scop <br />Co mafci.nn char.~;es of thi.s nature. <br />Mr, F1lesener. intr.oduced Che followin~; resol.ution and movecl its adopti.on: <br />PPSO[.,UTI0~1 N0. F35-£3--381 - APPROVIDIC TH,E INUUSTRTAL <br />RliVENIAi 130NDS AS ftEQUPS7'ED BY ~1R. L~RRY LEE GIITII 'Ch1L <br />CONDITION T[IAT ALL F'PIiS INCIJRRED IiY TFIE CI'i'Y OF <br />LIT'CL,E CANADA I1E PAID BY t4R. LEL; <br />~'1~~ -~F- <br />