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08-14-85 Council Minutes
City Council Meeting Minutes
08-14-85 Council Minutes
Entry Properties
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MINUTI'sS <br />C:i.ty Council. <br />August 14, 19£25 <br />}3oss Boss expl,ained Chat the reason that the adjoi.ning ~~roperty owner.s do not <br />Plat (Cont.) wanC die all.eyway vacated is that they have commerc~i.a1 property and ~re <br />concerned abouC tLie setbacks ot commer.cial. proper.ty <br />P4r, 1?ak~iey suggested t:hat the rnatCer be to the CiCy ~ttorney. <br />Pahey did not know iI the City could approve <.~ plaC wi,th ~~n incumbrence <br />on the property. <br />At:COrney George FSorer pointed ouC chat there i.s no adveese possession Por <br />torrens pr.operCy. Al,o, ~i.n order. to claim adverse possess:ion, P1r. 13oss <br />woulcl have to hlve a court or<Ier declaring it h:i., properCy. <br />Fahey staCed that if' Che p1aCt:in; code sCat:es thaC the Ci.ty cannot plat <br />property wi.t:h an incwnbrence, then it carmot be p1aT.ted. Fahey sCate~ <br />thaC ]3oss wi.ll ei.l:her. have t:o net a court acti.on on the ho~u;e or havc the <br />adjoinin~, property owners convey Mie property to hi.m. <br />Scalze pointec1 out that noC only 1.s Che house lnvolved, but a reasonable <br />amount of property ar.ound the house. <br />Mr. Floss felt that this should have been done in one of the pasC transEers <br />of the property. <br />Scalze suggested that the r.ecords be researched as perhzips Chere :i.s some <br />a~;reement about Ct~e house when the al.ley~aay was ded:icated. <br />T9r. :8orer commenCed that P-1r. 13oss ktas a copy of ~i certif.'icate ot titl.e <br />Lor Che properCy and, theretore, the pr.operty i.s torrens and not subjecC <br />Co adverse possession. i3orer. stated Chat he clid not I<now ~ahat the adjoini.n~; <br />properCy u~as, but saould guess i.t to be torrens as well. <br />Mr. Collova suggested that T3oss buy Che properC~ under ttie house. <br />'Che C1erl< pointed out t1~at Chc properCy w1s last platted i-n ].f3f36 ~nd <br />eiC thaC Gime an acCUal. survey was probably not done. The Glerk su~;gested <br />the property b~ surveyed to the locati.on of the klouse. <br />Mr. P,oss replied that IZe kias had a boundary line survey clone. I3oss also <br />poi_nted out that ri.ght now the blacl<top >:i.CS one foot ofE the property <br />I.ine. <br />f3orer staCecl Chat i.s ttie house is 7.ocatecl on the aLtey~uay, property on <br />zi publi.c sCreeC cannoC be. acquired. <br />Pahey su~gested Ch~t the City ACtorney g~.ive T3o,s an opini.on as to wheCher <br />or not the proper.ty can be le;al.l.y p1.atCed. <br />P1r. I3orer also C~o~,i.nted out that the Pxanriner of. 'f.itl.e would have to approve <br />the plat as we11 and he could deny someth:Lng even af.te;r the City has <br />approvecl i.t. <br />Pa~;e -6- <br />
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