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r~~rNU~res <br />c~~y c~~~„~;.1 <br />Aug. 23, 1935 <br />['rattztlone <br />& County <br />Road C <br />C1ean-Up <br />A7enda <br />I.tem D(o. 13 <br /> Franl< FratCalone repor[ed that he met wiCh t1~e Suild:inv Illspector on <br />f,+ri.d~iy regerclinp Che c7.ean-up of his property o^ Coianty ktoad C, ~',toro <br />oP the prvperty has been cleaned up< There e.ire sti.11 some cars on t:he <br />property tl~aC are ownecl by ooe of i9r. .P'raLCalone's tenants. k'rattCalone <br />st~ted that the I3ui.ldi_ng 7nspe.ctox• was to checic thi.s out and get <br />baclc Co h i.m. <br />N,[rs. Scalze po~.i.nted ouC thaL ma;jor auto repair is not allowed in thi.s <br />di.str:i.ct. Scalze aslced if. th~i.s tenant would be oat. of the property in <br />ri~~y, <br />F'~hey sCated that he had no problem with Cl~ese cars bei.n~ on the ~> <br />as loiig :~s it :is undersCOOCI tt~at if thi.s is a nom-confarrmi.n~; use, the <br />t.enant o~ould be relocaCecl in f\pril. o[ 198G. <br />PratCalone stated that rione. of. h:i.s tenant; are ].icensed by the Ci.ty, <br />IP Chey obCain a 1i.cense, then tlie )3uilding S.nspector wi.ll. be able. to <br /> their o~~erati.ons. Also, tl~~e , :Lnspector w:i.11 be inf:orming <br />i%ir. of which busi.rGesses are allowt~ble under Che current zon:ing <br />ancl 4ahi.c4 are not. <br />Pahey f:elt that the 13ui1dint, Insoector. should handle the siCUaCi.on and <br />if there ar.e any matters th~t need Counci.l acti.on, the mat:ter can be <br />x'eferred baclc to the Coune~i.l. Fahey su~~estecl thaC Mr, Col].ova lceep ou <br />top of the situation. <br />hir.. i~ratt~lone aslced iL any of. his businesses can ztay ;if the Tiui.lclinU <br />Inspector approves. P~ii~ey replied tl'~at Che 'L' Inspector will <br />~vor.l< wiChi.n the Code, and if: a bu,iness is a permitted ~ise undec t:he <br />zoning of the property, then i.t coul.d stuy. IL a bus~i.ness i.s a concli~~i.on~i1 <br />use, then it wo~ild have Co coine baclc to the Council tor acCion. <br />:Cnspecti.n~; Mz~, PratCalone aslced if it o~ould be permiss~.i_bl.e for. him to hire Twa].d <br /> Biese r.o r.lo t:lle i.nspecting on hi.s current ~roject. 'L'he City Cngineer <br />Agend~ :Ls 100% :i.nspeccing and Mr. T'ratCalone steit.ed that lie would <br />Add~iti-on to pay just. one ins~ector rather than two. <br />'1'1iE Counci]. w~is agreeabLe as long as i_t is tmde:rstoocl that liwald Btese <br />would be inspecting on beha7.f of the City and not Mr. 7?rattalone. <br />S-finriesota ~4r.. tlruce klubbard oE ?4innesoCa Min:i SCOCage sippeared beEore Che Counci.l. <br />i9ini r.eque,ting the of an ameridrrienC Co h:is 1?UD Ag,r.eernent so that; i~e <br />SCOrage can construct addiCioncil ofEice bui.ldi.n;;. i~9r. klubbae<l repor.ted Chat <br /> ~di.nnesoCa Mi.n~i SCora~~e recently pur.chased s ome adjacent property on <br />A~enda which the office bu:ildinb wou.ld be located. 'Lhe same contractor would <br />It.em No< 11 be u,ed ancl the building would match the ex i <br />sting bu~ilcling <br />s <br /> . <br />, <br />, <br />p=1;~= -1~- <br />