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i1TNlJTf `i <br />Ci.Cy Cotutci.l <br />Aug. 28, 1935 <br />t4otor D1r, Tahey poi.nced out that Che propo,ed or.dinance has been .ent to <br /> the Chami>Fr of Commerce and exi.sting sales lots in tkie Cl.ty for t.he:i~' <br />Sa1es comment. No co~,nment kieis been received. <br />(ConC.) <br />i`4s, Nardini 1.ntroduced Che Eol,lowing ord~i.nance and movecl i.ts adopCi.on: <br />ORDINANCfe' No. 266 - nKt.NnrNC SI:CTION 911, "B-2" <br />AJTO-QItIL;DlT~D i3(~SI~ESS D:CS'CRiC7', OP 'L't413 LPL'CLli <br />CANADA ZONIiVG ORDINANCL, PERTAINING 'LO MO'COR <br />VPI~LfCLF; SAt.,liS LOTS <br />The £or~g,oing ordi.nance was duly secon<Ied by t4rs, Scalze. <br />Ayes (5) N~irdin:i., Sc.a'l.ze, Paitey, Z3lesener, Collova. <br />Nayes (0). <br />Ordinance declared edopted, <br />1)03; `Lhe ALtorney prescntecl to t:he Courici.l for acti_on a do; ordiriance <br />Ord:i.nancc the nwnbet~ of cio;s that a home can liave to threc. Kr. Sweeney <br /> reported that che tl~isd paragr~ph of t:hc ordinance i s the onl.y on~ thaL <br />Agenda has been chan~ecL It s tiys tA`~at si per.son c.annot 1<ee4~~ more than tliree dogs <br />Item No. 16 of tk~ree months :in t~v,e or older in anq structure in a <br /> residentiel d~istrict, <br />Mrs. Scalze pointed out that th~i.s would not cover a residential home i.n <br />a d:i.stri.cC, <br />Pahey suggeste<t tkiat the C;ity worry tibout comn~arcial distri.cCS :i.L a probl.em <br />arises. <br />h~is. Nardini pointed out tkiae Ch~ mobilchome parks ~in Che CiCy are in <br />commeccial or distri.cts. <br />l~~~hey su;gested C.hai: the be chan~;ec{ to s<iy ~ny rosi.c{en[i.a1 dweliing <br />i-ii any di.sCri.ct. wi.thi.n Che City. <br />`~'~r.. Collova i.ntroduced C:he followiri; ordinance and move,d :i.ts adapti.on: <br />ORDINANCti' N0. 267 -~N ORD:[~ANCIi AMti~D'Ii~G SIZCTION <br />].l.OL090 OI' 'CHF A1~1NIClPAI, CODE OF T11G LI'L'fI.F CANaDA <br />CODL' RlLA'[`ING 'CO I.,ICEVSIA]G AD1D KI'sG'P]:NG OP DOGS SdI'LH <br />TFI~ C}lANGI7 IN Tlil; THIRD PEIRAGI2AJ.'F1 "I~ ANY DISTI2TCT WTT'HlN TFIP: <br />Thc ordinance was duly seconded by Ms. NalydLni.> CI'I'Y OF LI'CfL73 <br />Ayes (5) Co.llova, N~rdini., Pahcy, :81.esener, Sc<alze, CANADtI" <br />Nayes (0). <br />Ordi~iance decl.ared adopted, <br />Page -4- <br />