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rtt:vu~rr:s <br />Ci.ty Counci.l <br />Sept:.. 1.1, 1985 <br />Revenue <br />Sh~zring <br />(Cont:,) <br />Kr. Blesener i.ntrocli.icecl t.kie folLow:i.n~ resoluti.on and moved iCS adopt].on; <br />i2[SSOLU'C]:ON ~f0. f;5-9-437 - CLOS~CNG TAI? <br />PUitI.~TC iIY;ARIDJG 0^1 TH[3 CI"CY'S lJS[i 0:~ <br />RCULNUE S19ARI~VG IiNTI'L'LP:i1GN'l' <br />'Ltte resolution w~xs duly secondecl by P4s. i~ar.dini.. <br />Ayes (5) i3lesener,;i., Co1'1ova, Sca~lzc, Pakiey. <br />Nayes (0). <br />Resol.uti.on deal~recl adopCed, <br />`Chis resoluCion ap~cars i.n Resolutiori 1ioolc No. 12, P<'i4;e ~450~ <br />Nfs> Aardi.n~i i.nt:rodueed t:he f.ol7.owa.nq r.esoluti.on and moved i.t:s a<loPtion: <br />;:tiSOI~UTIO~I N0. SS-9-~438 -~ Ak'PROVI~G 'C(li; <br />CITY'S iZEV;Z~lU1Z S~iART.DIi-; [iN'L'I'LT.,ti`;~S1:~I'P I'O[Z <br />POL~IC1: Sl3RVICL;S <br />?<I.i.dcejs <br />St:reeC <br />F3tzsement <br />VacaCion <br />Agend~a <br />It~m Dlo. `i <br />'Cl~~e fore~oin~ reso7.uCi.on was dul.q seconded by ~fr, Col.l.ova, <br />Ayes (5) Nardini, Col.:tova, t'ahey, :3lesener, ScaLze. <br />Nayes CC))> <br />Rcsolution declared adopCed. <br />'Chis resolution appeae~s i_n Resolutio~~~ I~ooic No, 1'J_, Pa~;e 457.< <br />i`~.(r. Klidzejs has requESted that ehe CiCy v~ca[e 8]./2 .Eeet of the Teai-n <br />I.alce Road easEm~nt in fcont of hi.s ~ropert.y. <br />'fhe Ci_Cy Engineer recommended T.hat tl~ie 8 1/2 feet be vac..iCecl. i9r, Carley <br />poi.n~ed oi.~t_ tk~at che Ci.ty has 50 f:eet of. road easemenC in Chi.s ~iren and <br />Che v~caCion ~doul.d ie doom to ~Fl ~l/'L. The Cingi.neec Ee1t that this <br />was adequate, <br />'Lhe f?r~5i.neeir [eI.C LhmC I:he acltlitional east^ment w~s tal,:cn at Che t-ime. t.liat <br />'L'win Lake Teai.l was puC i.n as the Ci_ty felt i.t needed a wi.der roacf -i.n this <br />area. However., iP secti.on o~ the road were ~o bc: widened, the rest <br />of the sCreet out to T'wi.n ~ake 1D1vd. wouLcl ~i].so have to be widened ~inct <br />Cl~ie CiCy would need adctiL,ional e2sements, <br />'Cnc lingi.ncer also poi.nted out thaC Chere is no r.e~~1 recorcl of Mr. I.L7.i.clzejs <br />ever gr.antin; th~is casemenC to the Ci.ty. <br />N[r„ Vi.rginia Fisher sCatect that the,rc i.s l.ti 1/2 f:eet of eais~ment on her <br />side of the sereet< Fisher e~1so po~i.nted out [:hat the pavemenC is onl.y <br />13 Eeet wide :i.n area of. the strect:, l~ishcr commented that C'tie street <br />was narrow as at one time it only served houses. <br />P~age -7-. <br />