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~~1NU•rl;s or •rx~; xccui.,~zr ~~rn,r,~r.~zNc <br />CI'PY COUNCIL <br />LI'fTI,E CANAllA, P4INN~.SOTA <br />October. 23, 1985 <br />rlgen<!a <br />Item Noe ]. <br />Agenda <br />ltem I~!o. 2 <br />Approval <br />Of. 'Lhe <br />itinutes <br />Agenda <br />Item No. 3 <br />Si.nclair <br />Conven:ience <br />Store <br />PursuanC to due cal.l and noti.ce. Chereof. a r.e~ular of the <br />Counci.l. of t:P~e City of I.,i.ttle Canada, C1i.nnesota was held on the <br />23rd day of October, 19£35 in the Counci.l Chambers of the Ci.ty <br />CenCer located at 515 LiCt1e Ctinada t3oad i.n sai.d Cit.y. <br />Mayor. Michael. I'nhey chaised the meetin~ and call.ed it to orcler at <br />7:32 P.~L and the members were present at roll call: <br />M1iMBFRS PRESGNT: <br />AL50 YREiSENT: <br />Mayor. <br /> <br />Counci.lman <br />CounciL~voman <br />Counci7.woman <br />CiCy Clertc <br />Gity Attonley <br /> 1?ngineer <br /> Inspector <br />Ci.Cy Planner <br />} Secretary <br />Mr. Michael. Fahey <br />Mr. Blesener <br />Mr. IZicl< Collova <br />Ms, D1ugs N~.trdini <br />14rs. Beverly Scai.ze <br />iKr. Joseph Chlebeck <br />t~[r. Thomras Scaeeney <br />Mr. Donald Carley <br />Mr. 73ud ~a~;ovslcy <br />~(r. DavE Licht <br />Pdrs. Kathleen Glanzer <br />Mr, Collova poi.nCed out ChaC lie coas not ~resent at the OcCOber y <br />Council and the mi.nutes should be amended to reflect Chis. <br />Mr. Col.lova i.ntroduced the resoluti.on and move<t i.ts adopti.on: <br />RFSOLU'1:[ON N0. 85-10--510 - APPROVING <br />1'HE MINUZ'ES OI' 'ftl~ OCTOT~ER 9, 1.9IIS COUNCIL <br />ME;tiTIDIG WITH TH~ Ot1TLTNPD CORKtiCLION <br />The foregoing resolut:ion was duly seconcted by i4r. 'ISlesener. <br />Ayes (5) Collova, Blesener, Scalze, Nardini, F~hey< <br />Nayes (0). <br />Itesolut:ion declared esciopCed. <br />This reso7.ut:i.on appears in I:esolution i3ook No. 12, Page 532. <br />~Ir. Ray Johnson of appear.ecl bef.ore the Counci.l requesting approval <br />for the; of the Sinclair StaCi.on so th~t: ri coxiveni.ence sCOre <br />can be added. <br />Agenda Mr. Pahey poi~ited ouh that the Comm:ission recommended appcovai <br />Itr.m Noe /4 of the request subject to i 5 Loot ~;reen tir.ea around the property exceE~t <br />tor the eastern proper.ty, additional parki.nn desS.~;nated, <br />lo~idinp, areas being def%nad and tk~aC Che curb cuc could rema~in as is. <br />1?age -1- <br />