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21INU'l'li; i <br />Ci.Cy Counc'i1 <br />Nov. 6, 19£35 <br />Mr. P'ahey sugoested Chat the property ~reaCer than two lots deep owned <br />by the Winters be purchased by Mr. Rutzick, `1'his oiould give Iona <br />Lane more of a buffer zotie. <br />Mr. Rutzi.cic stmted thaf.: he wi1.1 do some roore drawinp.,s on thi.s a~id ~i1so <br />indi.cated Chat he would be happy to Cal,ce over. tPiat property tis we17. i.E~ <br />the Ci.ty were apreeable to seni.or con~,regate <br />Fahey sug;ested that the Steneroden propert:y couLd be rezoned B-2 1?UD <br />co ensure that any cleveLopment cai.l.l. be compati.ble the ne:ighUorhood. <br />Also, anyone purchasi.n~ the propcrty would be aware chat a car wash <br />would not: be compatible ~vith t:he nei.~hborhood. <br />Mr. Townsley sug~est~cl that the be brought up further. and <br />Lelt thaC ch:i.s wou7.d have less i.mpacC on hi.s propert:y than an ot'f:ice <br />buildLng. <br />WaiCe indicat_ed that this ioould not worlc and the cents frorn the ofti.ce <br />building would be neecled to make the project work, <br />Ntrs. Scalze informed the develoj,~ers that she would bring their proposal.s <br />t:o rhe 1?arl< Cvmmi.ssioii f:or a recommendation on parlc charges. <br />Scal.ze asl<ed if the Council had any feelings regarding Lh~; parlc charges. <br />S4i. Pahey fe1C that the Cit_y would prefer. cash rather than 1and. Fahey <br />also t:hat ~ai.tti re~;atrd to Che devel.opment, the buf.f:er <br />zone bein; requested by the City shou].d be talcen into consi.deration rohen <br />the park charf;e i.s c7etcrmi.ned. F'ahey po~i.ntec{ ouC Chat the City i.s <br /> Rutzicl< to purchase property for open space. Messrs. Col'lova <br />and 731esener. aereed. <br />Pezhey pointed out t.hat these i.tems cvi.ll. be on the agenda of. Lhe November <br />13 Council meeting. P'~ihey suggested that Rutzicl< and Waite come in e~ith <br />some [vrmal plans for. that meeein€;, <br />Mr. Wai.Ce stated that he ~uil.l. draco up the pLans, but did noC lcnow if they <br />woul.d be ready by the 13th. <br />~r, asked if. the Council had dism:issed the idea of: access througli <br />Syl.van Street. ~Ir. I4lesener i.ndi.cated ttiat the Ci.try eoouLd px•efer accesss <br />to the SCeneroclen property through Ri.ce Street. (~lowever, I3lesener clid <br />noC thi.ntc the moratoriurn shoutd be li.f:ced unCi.1 acti.on is taken on the <br />Wai.te proposal. <br />Mr. Wolf aslced i.E the frorn the Rutzicl< pcoposal would be ].00 feet. <br />1~a1ey felt that this was reasonable coi.Ch 25 ot the 100 to be groomed, <br />Mr. lilcsener and Nis. Nardin~i incli.cated that they felt the 100 feet buffer. <br />cvas rea:;onable. <br />P9r. Collova also agreed and stated that he would I.i.l<e to see some screening <br />at the end ot the 25 feet. <br />Paee -].0- <br />