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MINU'I'ES <br />Ci.ty Council. <br />Nov. 6, 1985 <br />P1r. 'I'im Townsley of.~ iona Lane f:el.t th2t :i.t wz~s ^ot reasonable to have <br /> behind hi.s home ancl point:ecl out that thi.s wou7.d devalue <br />hi.s home and put: money into the developer's pocket< <br />Tls. su;geste~d that perhaps the C~i.ty should requesC a butfier on <br />the south as i.t. i.s on the north of Iona Lane. Mr. B1.esener stated th~~t <br />he could see Chis if llr. ISri.enlce were Che whole piece of <br />proper.ty, and tk~e Ci.ty required him Co buy the Steneroden properCy as <br />it i.s raquesting th~C Mr. buy the Wi.nCer property. <br />PSr. Pahey commented that the people f.conGing on County Road C will have <br />to pay f.or ehei.r h~i1f of: the road i£ they are able Co di.vide the bacl< <br />hal.f of tiieis property, Nar.din:i pointed out that thi.s would force t.he <br />people to se11 off the bacl< of thei.r 1~nd i.n order to pay for tf~~eir <br />assessments. <br />~ahey stated that hc was; Co support some reasonable condemnati.on <br />of: the Kr.ienke property on Rice Street i.n order to get access from tl~at <br />directi.on. <br />Dr. IZrienlce sCated thaC he be lgainst conclemnation, tZrienLce reported <br />that he purchased the property over 15 years ago and has kept i.t all. these <br />yecirs i.n order. to ensure chat it develops as one piece and not in a <br />piece-mea~~l. tashi.ori. Krienke reported chat he presently ha~s ewo devel.opers <br />lookinp, at the pr.operty ~incl fel.t tkiat thi, talk of conclemnatiori would <br />scare of:f Che developers. <br />Dr. Krienlce felt Chat there should be some t_ype of bufLer zone bet:~aeen <br />the R-1 property of Zona Lane and Che adjacent:.13-3 propert_y, <br />Mr. Waite suggestecl that per.haps the best appro~ch would be to go baclc <br />to his ori.f;i.na1 proposal. f:or i.n the back and an <br />building i.n the front.. <br />A1r, Pierce poi.nted out Chat: T~tr.. Wai.te ~roposed a car-wash. <br />It was point.ed ouC tli~t 6daite eaoulcl subst~itui:e an office buil.cli.n~ foe <br />the car-YOash. <br />A mernber of the audience aslced Che of mini-war.ehousing. Mr> <br />Wai.te indic~ted thaC i.t caould bc bloclc consl:ructi.on and should back <br />onto ~Iona Lane so no fence woul.d be required alqno thi.s property l.i.rie. <br />Waite poinT_ed out that this i.s what tie propos~d 9 rnonChs ago, tdait:e <br />pointed ouC that the property coul<I be accessed through I.ot 11 and Lot <br />].I. woul.d contain the ofEice builclin,a i.n thc Eront with paricing i.n the <br />baclc. <br />Pal~ey su~+gested that the whol.e parcel could be rezoned B-"L YUD and then <br />the Council woul.d control the pl.acement of everythi.n~. <br />One. resiclent of Iona L.ane indieated Chat hier proper~y woulcl be deval.ued <br />7.0 Co 15% by next to a PIJD. 'Phe 1'lanner i.ndicated that values <br />woul.d depend on what waxs contai.ned i_n the I'tID, not jusC by adjacent <br />Go a PIJU< <br />1'age -£2- <br />