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r1IIJUT~'S <br />City Council <br />Dec. 1?, 1~85 <br />Ru~zicl< "l~r. 31:~sen~r stated ~that 'if Iona !_an2 residents s~~ant to buy ~the property <br />Pro,~osal that is fine. I~los~fever, ±3lesener ~felt tiiat any exp~~~nse in c+evelo~ring <br />(Coni:.) th~ pron^rty svoialc t~avr:. ~o i>e borne by the Ionri Lane ~~roper~ty o±~.ners. <br /> 7he.9 i~~oul ci end ~[S> ~-ii th a roac~ compl eial,y on ~the proE~erty anc ti~~oul d have <br /> to uay for ~i t themsel ves. Thi s r~~~~n , 1:hey d~roi~il d have to buy the ~Fron~t <br /> portion oi the 'r!inter pr~p~rt;~ to put t.he road in. <br /> r3lesenar estimatecl that if tY~e Iona L~ne people tried to cevelop the <br /> proper~ty they ±~oulc~ su~f~frr a loss o~F bet~,~~en ~5,Q00 and. ~10,000 ~er <br /> 1 ot. 3'I esener ~li d~ not, f2el tPiat thi s tiaas a feasi h12 eiay to clevel op <br /> t;',~ie prop<~rty. <br /> 31n,ener stated that iP th~y s~tant to purch~se the proherty to preserve <br /> the valu~ of ttie~ir homes, tha~: is fin~, b~.~t it is a little 1at:c in the <br /> garne for ~th~i s an<i i t s~~ioul d have ~to hai~pcn toni gh~t. <br /> ~~;r. ^u~:zic!< st:ated that i'nev .•aere r~ot ~nter~sted in this alternati~ie <br /> and ~>o~ ntec! out ~l~ia~t thcy ha~ie macl2 i:nei r aqr~~rnerrts w~i ti~ the '~li nters <br /> and tfi~?.t i.he projec~ is ~fund~d and the bon<'. ready te go. <br />°?r. 612senf~r r~~or~C~cl tha.i: ne 1iv~^d on Demont for a n~unber of ys~ars ancl <br />his hous^ t~#as across ti~n str~ei fro::i apartr~~er~ts. f?l~sener P21t that <br />he ~~ot r~i s val ~ae ou~t o r hi s house athen lie sol d i~t al thoi.ig'n i t!riiy have <br />t~!<en hir~ a 1 i ttl e 1 ongEr t~ sel l the house, i~ut ~fiat coul d t~u duA to <br />not having the riyh~t realtor in t'ne h^r,inning. ~9r. 31estiner pointec~ <br />out tnat P-1i°s. Ti,7r'nons agreed that the Iona Lan~ property ~<~~ould be <br />~'eva1ued, bu~; L'l~sener disaqr~ed. '~~1~sener stated ~tiiat he t'ric~ught ~Nie <br />f2~.~tzick proposal laas a goocl one. <br />~9r. Sternal askec! if a fenc^ ~~ras inr.lucled in 'the proposal as he v~as <br />concErned about ~Cl~n bi.iffer area beco~:~ing a playground. <br />P~1r, f31 esener c(i cl not feel tha't 'th~ c,'ni 1 eir~ri ~r~ou1 ~~. come out of 'th~ apart~nents <br />~to F>1 a_y i n tn'i s~area~~. <br />i~lr. Collova. s~tated t'nat h~ ~;ras in ~Favor of ~:Vi~ F~~ropos~l 5as~d on the <br />t<~ct that ~tne '.di nter propertiy i s'I andl oc'<ed antl ~that Ru~tzi c!< ~i s <br />nurr,{~asi ng 19n f~et of tne !~!i n~ter property and t~i 11 only be uti 1 i zi ng <br />G~ ff~~t <br />Co~.inci 1<!i scusseci the i ncl i.isi oii of a fence ~i n the pronos~l . T~t ?~~~~.s <br />dacided that this ~,~ould he a requ~ir~iuen~t in the f~iR:ure ~if ~the Council <br />cle~mE^d n~c~s>ar,y. Location of the fi~nc€~ 4dou1c" a.lso be a dec~ision ~nade <br />by 1:he Council. <br />i~1r. Kl os<i n suqc~ested t4iat t4iere n,ay t» c(rai nagr~ nrobl ems ~;ii ~t`~ only <br />25 feet of groo~ried arc~z arourici t~e builc'inc~. h'Ir. ~ah^y s~.~crgeste<i <br />that c(rai nane 4~ri 11 be sub,iect to ~the r~r,ornr~iendati ons oi th~ ~ngi ne~r. <br />Pnap -~_ <br />