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~'Iil!ITES <br />~~i~v Counci1 <br />~ler..l l , ~ c'q5 <br />;1poro~r~inc, '~^r. f'ahey ini:rod~.iced ~he ~Follo~riinn resolution ancl rnoved it.s adop~~ion: <br />VOUC~I~I"S <br /> n4 S~)~_I)7 X~i~! ilO. i%')- ~~.-E>%:[~ .. ,nf~~~:~1\~1~~!i T~-~[' <br />110?IlCic1 i~nl)~~-~i:~~5 ~ -~'- <br />Z~Blil ~'!0. ~ ~ <br /> The for~~~oi i~c,. resol ut'i q~i s~tas d~.~l ~i s2conded Sy f~?r. I;l Psen2r. <br /> Ay~~s (~;l ~ aricy, ?les£~ti~>r, Scalz2, Plar<i1r11, Collova. <br /> "!ay.^.s (0!. <br /> S;~so1ut9on ~)r.claretl adocited. <br /> The for~~c~oina resoli.ition aapears in Rnsolut.ion Book No. 12, Pape f37. <br />a~'1 ann~~r ~ri °?r. ~al~ey su';~~rri t~tec' ~to ~ I~e Co!inci l a pol ~i <:y sta~~t^r~cnt ~iat;l i ni nc~ thr~ <br />~3uild'ina r;iA~ties ofi 9;i~e [~iui~dina (lffic~ia~l ~n~i thE~ City Planner rF~ciare'~inc t+ie <br />Trs~ector d~velnpm~nt of Plats and/or °roposals. <br />ficeridl ~~'r. ~3~lesener coir~~nAn~:ed th~t i~r ~rias t'ne concensus o~F ~:he Council ~(;ha~t all <br />Ite~~i; ~!o. 17 r.or~r,~~trcia.l inatters ~dould~ go t:o the Planner. <br />Council suqc7estc~i t'~~e fo1lo~:viriq amend~~ents ~t~ the propos~d ~~olir,y <br />S'L1~L"x^.i11P,Y1'~;: ~ <br />I~Cnm cG. 'L. -• 1111 co~:ir~ercial si~t2 pl~n revie~ris vi'n~ch c~o <br />not involve request:s for cor~ditional us^ pereiits or <br /> <br />Itern i;. 3. - All r^,i<+~ntia1 pla't.s of «,ore than ihr^z~ <br />lots ~nri/or corie~ercial p1ats and develop!nent proposals <br />±~rt~ir,i~ i~nvolae rec?uesf;s for con~'i'tional use perniits an~!/or <br />var9anc~s, and... <br />i1r. i~l esen~r ~ n~roduc~d Ct~e fol l o~-?i np rESOI s~f,i on ~nd mvv^d i'Cs adopl:'i on: <br />RF,SOLUTIOIJ !•1~, s1`i-1; -'.i~> - !1i)Q'.7TIt!!; T`iE POLICY <br />>T!Arrj'1Fn,17 SU'r3P1TTT~f) RY ''•^,?, FAH~Y '>~:G/\`;1)Sl~IG 71iG <br />POSITIOP~> fl~' THE CTTY !'L~l`~,I~'!; n,?~ID BUSLOIP~G <br />O~-T.Cr_,nL ~;IITN Tl~i~ oUTLS~~1~D F~I~1L~1Di~1rP,fTS <br />Tk~2 ~Poreqoi nq reso1 L~~ti on ,~as ciul y secondeci bv ~-ir. Co11 ova. <br />n~~/~S ~~~ i'~FIE?Y~ ~3~~(.'SE?Yl!'.H~ ~0~70Vc1~ ?~~i1PC~lt1l ~ iCd~7_fa. <br />ida~~es (~)). <br />i~ 4 ~ <br />?t sol ~ai:i on c!ec1 ared ~do ~~~te~. <br />7i~is reso1i.rtion ap{~n_ars iri ~t~solu~~ion 8oo=t P!o. 12, Page 5;t<;. <br />i'1 arir~'i ng ~~~~rs. Sca'I x.e stat.ed ~tPiat she a•ran~Ced ~'.o ror~~men~; 'the f'1 anni nn Cor.~~f,i ssi ori <br />~.0!'?i`1'ISiS10Yl 'f0i^ L`~(1F? Q00C~ 70b ~t~(1P.Y ~1c1V° C~OtIP. 4{l~:(1 Sd'f1Z~~ hd5 f)(?F?YI f)O~Ot"(:', ~~(1;'.i~'1 ~;~(115 <br />~li;S"t ~/E.'.dY'. SC"t3~7.C'. dC!:1101~l~E'..Ifjf?CI ~.'171.j; ~~;Sl^1^f.? ~~'1'r]VE? i>~?!~11 rl. ~`~:b^2 1')P01)~~°f~1S <br />th'is past: year and hoped ~hat ~the Plannin~~ Coi~uniss'ion anc Co~incil <br />could cont:inu2 on a uositive notF. <br />Pdap _~~'~- <br />