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^iIh!UTPS <br />City ',ounr,il <br />;)nr, ~ ~~ , ~ ~~f'{r <br />~ <br />1°3a ~inc~in~er s <br />l;ontr~ct P'!s. c~!srcin~ introtluced the fol1ov~inc r2so1i.~tion anc` moa~~ its aclop~'inn: <br />+~r~n~fa !:~SOI_UTIOpI 'I(1, ~6-1?-;39 - P,PP~t(?'JTplr~ T!I~: <br />It^?'1 ''.l0. 17 !-~+1r~Ii~F.`'R S!'~t%1C7 FOR ln9i(i <br />~~ilE'. 'F01"^.~~~OIYI^ Y'^SO~IIL`1011 :!d$ (SU~V SC'COt1fJ^f! ~)y '.~t" !i~(?52i1^Y'. <br />/~`/@'S ~.~,~~ ~•I~Y'l,ilY11~ '~~°SQII(?1"~ C;O~~ONd~ SCd~7.~~ i-d{l~'~/. <br />hlftyt'S (0). <br />[?2solu~tion adonted. <br />~(71S PE?SO~1.ItlpYi t1f)q°dPS 'I!i ~~cSO~U'`~.'IOYI `i00~: ''~0. ~i~~ ~~8.(i(~ )~1~. <br />CPia~r~ber O~i ~'~9s. i~lardini reporte~ t'riat ~Sie CYiai~iber of ''oi.~!~:ierce ~is =~ut~ina t oq~t4icr <br />Comrnercr~ a h!e.!eor:ier °a.c'~<e~t and i s as~'i na for a conl.ri i~u'ti on o~F `>~~ for those <br />;~~lc~~, r ,=~ho iri 11 `iaw~ ~:h~i r naM^s 1 i strd on t he nac,!<et to he1 n def'ray ~:Y!^ <br /> COSfS. <br />Aq^nda <br />I'te~n `!o. 17 <br />f'!r. Col l ova i ntro~'uceci t'n2 fo11 ovri r7~7 <br />reso1 u~ti on an <br />d rio~ted i ts <br />adop'ti nn: <br />R1~~01_UTTO[d i~10. 8[i-1?-Ei~70 - l~UTHO°IZItiG TN~: <br />I;T>r;lPtSt •,tcp:IT Of" ~>0 1'0 7N!= rI~A,"~tiR ~L'' COi1P ~:T~' <br />I"OR TFIF l tS7S •~'; Oi- -rl~l~' L'TTY' S~1Fl'~.f' ~)'~d ITS <br />~„~~i.ICOr, ~rn PAC':'.-Tii <br />Th~ ~forer~oi ~r r~sol i.i~ i on vaas ~iu1y se~ond^d by ~~s. "dar~i~ i~i . <br />{1~/C?5 ~ri~ r0~~~0y8~ I~{t11"(illll~ ~i~C'.SE?Y12i"~ iCd77_i~~ ,F'~~'1F.y. <br />i~'8V^S i~,. <br />(?~so1 ~~~P.~i on decl arr~~c! adopt~d. <br />T'ri'is resolution in Pesolu~t'ion Bool< !~lo. 12, Pane 6n3. <br />1"r!ast ~< T~i~ ::ity Cler'< rec~i~este~ ~t'nat i;he Council ~~prove the ~:ransfer o~F <br />Anenry Furic# '611, 5'.il ~froe, t'~e Trust and Rcency `~und ~to th~~ Gencral Pund. <br />Transfer <br />i~lrs. <br />Scalze in~Crodi.iCeri ~C.he follo„r~n~; rFSOIu'Cion and mpved ~its a<<o~~tion: <br />genda <br />n <br />. <br />Addi~ion ,`=S~IIITIGPI In "5-lI ~i91 - T~'AI~S~'"s~ttT~f~, ^11,~i51 <br /> i"RO-~ T'IF T'~Uti7 Ar~!1) l1(il:i!CY ~~li.l!? (~+! v~ ~1y- ;rl1t°Tpdr~) <br /> TO TN~: C;(=~IER.AI_ f~Uldtl <br />Ti9P {OY'E?OOlilC Y'860~Ut10ft l=Ii.YS C~I1~V S@'.C071C~P,(~ hy ~'it". t'di9!?~J. <br />l~~/2S ~~>~ SCd~%B~ i'8.~1!,'.y~ R~^S4`.11~'.Y'~ t`~;)i"(~~Itll~ (.0~~0`!d. <br />':~iitViS ~~)t. <br />R2soli.ition c'eclarec+ adoutc~e'. <br />~~15 Y'85~~1.l~lOtl dpPQaY'S lll ~2.L°SO~lIt;1011 `fi00~~< ~IO. ~i ~ ~~7~fp ?~4. <br />?<aC!G -73- <br />