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12-04-85 Council Special Minutes
City Council Meeting Minutes
12-04-85 Council Special Minutes
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fIT.i1.UT[S <br />C9ty Council <br />Dec. 11, 1a85 <br />Rutzicl< hir. 31es~nc~r pointed ou~t; that tne property ba~hin<) ttie C~~~rdinal property <br />Proposal runs clown. F)arc~strom explaineci t'n~ topogr<lphy of the area. ~zergstrom <br />(Cont.) stated that th~ aoartr»n~s ~r~ould i>e h~ighly vis~ble i'rom t'ne bac!< of the <br /> Iona l_ann ho~as~s. !3ergs'trori felt ~that ~he a~~arcrien~ts on tiie Ca~rdinal <br /> property, ~iV7ich ~~ould 'oe 200 feet avrly froin the bar,i< o~f Iona I_~ne, aaoulc( <br /> be bett~r than haviriq t~ie apar~t~n^nts 10C Feet ativa,y. <br /> Fahey as;<ed if t:he residents 'iave ciseussPCl the~r ~urchase of the property <br /> ~raith the 4~~ntFrs'. ~3ergstrom replied t'nat tti~y h~va done so briefl~ ~n <br /> the hall~<<ray. <br /> iirs. !~lolf pointed out ~that t'ne Iona lane honies all have 1arg~ picture <br /> ~vi ndo~a , i n the i>ar!< of Y,hei r hoines and ~t;u~se ~fioul d b~ 1 oo:i ng out zt <br /> t:he proposed apartmen~t bui 1 di nc~. I°irs. '~lol f fel t tha9: t'ni s~~~ro~il cl detract <br /> ~ror~ che value of her propert,y. <br /> "9r. 9ternal of 61 Tona. Lane statec.! tha~t he did not evant to b~ pus'ned into <br /> l~uying ~the '~;!inter property in ord~r to pres~rv~ tPie value of his hon~e. <br /> St~rnal stated thaY, ~;'ne pro~erty edas oF no value to him. <br /> E~ir. ~ ahey reportecl ~that i1r. i_ee incliclted that ~f the buffer :~terc ~increaseu <br /> to 125 feet, he ~rrould go alonc~ ~ri~th the proposal as 1'L5 feet ~,~rould ensur°c <br /> tha1: ttu~ tre~ 1~i ne lhioul d rem~~i n as i s. Fahey as!<ed hovr ~Che other <br /> Tona Lane proi~ert:y ot~ners fel t about tl~i s. <br />'r;ergstrom stated that speaking for himself if tne b~.after s-~ere ~increased <br />to 1.7.Ei feet and the r,~axim~c~ he~f ryht o~f th~ aplrtrnent btiri 1 di nci reduc~cl ~to <br />ts~ro s1:or~iES, 'ne ;~ni~ltl not op{~~se it. lio~.~ever, he ti~~oulc! s~t~ll raciier <br />purchase the ~~ropewty tiian go to this. f?ergstrom falt thah ~thc cos~t <br />of buyinc~ ~the propcr~Cy ~~roulci be 1ess of ~ loss. <br />"9r. ~~nne~y of Iona I~ane si:~ted th~t he, ~too, s~tould rather buy the <br />pron~rty and. f21 t he v~oul ci net ;~i s r,ionny bac!< ~~ihen he sol c; the prop2rty. <br />P~ir. ~im Rutzic!< reoor~l~ed that !a!ally Johnson nas joinec' in ivi~t'n his #~irm <br />in the develoo~~ient of this proper~~y. <br />"%~r. P,utzic'~ sta~:~c~ t'nat his f~irm has t.riec to acr,omr2odate ~tt~E= <br />anct tiie neighbors ~in pursuing the purchase of th~~ S9in~;er property. <br />Rutzic.'~; ~Felt t'ria~t a b~n`~~r zone i~ras a rnos~t desirabl2 fea~tur^. Rutzic,< <br />stated tl~at Y~e is r.on~F~ased vaith the comments of t'ne neigi~~bors. Rutzic'~ <br />fel t that i f the 4!i nt2r property ~~ere devel oneci >>~ii th c~uacls or i;o~~rnhouse>, <br />or s~ing1e fa~~ily, the bu~P~Fer zon~ ~~rould h~ distiarbed. t?i.itiick felY: <br />tha'c no tleveloper Urould be abl~ ~o retain thr na~ture anc cPiara.cter of <br />t~ie property raP~en p~it~ti nq i n a road. Rut-r.ic.k aga~i n stateci. that he ~Fel ~t <br />tha~ ~he buffer zone ~~aoul d;~e tf~e ciosi: desi rabl e. <br />~is. ~lardin~i as!<ed if it ~ver~ possibl~ ~to r~align t'ne pro,jecr c~iven <br />r^c~nt Counci l acti on ~ni th reqartl to b~nrls. Rutzi ci< s l:atec! that th~ <br />bonds ar? not based on a specific configuration, hut a genera1 projec.t <br />lev~l. Ho~~ever, ftutzic'r, did not '~cnosv ,~iha.t pos~tion they ~aoi_ild be in i;o <br />no back and chanq~ C'ne projecc as the laonds must b~ a~.rard~<l bsfore thc <br />end of 1:~ie ye~r. <br />Pd<ie -5° <br />
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