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'1IPIL'TrS <br />Ci~y Council <br />D2c.. 11 , 19%','.i <br />Ru~tzick do nn't qet out and~ vote nor clo mu1ti-farrril,y ci~,raellers like tn~ sinnle <br />Pronosal far;ii ly homeo~~dner c!oas. <br />!Cont.) <br />;Sr.Johnson point~d out that t'ne prop:~rty is currently zoned B-2 and <br />also r2por~t~d 'tha~: t'ne apa.r'trnent b~iiltfinos s~aill pay about ~1~i0,000 in <br />f,ax^s ear.h year. <br />P~irs. Scalze as!<eri tri~ ;~lans for senior c~i~tizen apartments. P,7r. Johnson <br />r~plietd that t'n~y ar~ planning for straight market rate r~nts. Scalze <br />reporteca that 'ch2 Ci ty i s cmm~ri se~l o F 7% s~ni or ci ti zens and asl:ed i f <br />~1 bi.i~ilc!ing coia1d be designated for seriiors. Scalze reported tha.t Roseville <br />i s biai 1 cli ng seni or anar~r~ents an~i the~ have a 9~~ senior ci ti zen popul ati on. <br />Johnson stai,ed that if ~~her~ ~,vere thre~ sn~aller buildings on i:ne s~ite, <br />~it r,~i~;tit be benef~i^ial to des~gnas.e nne of th~ buildinns ~fnr seniors. <br />~lohnson s~tated that ~tk~ey wo~.alcl l~i!<c nothing betier than to rent 1:o seniors. <br />rahey reported 1:hat the City ?lanner is zoing a market analysis on this <br />!~~ar!<et. <br />Johnson statec.! that; if th^ riarlet can be justifie<i, it is one af the best. <br />,~irs. req~.iested that the consider th~ build~ing closast to Sona <br />Lane as a tvrn-,tory ~JU1 ~ el1 t1n ancl i r~crease ~h~ buffer zone to 1%5 feet. <br />?~~ardini point~tl th2~ th^ code allou•~s a 30 foot hous^ and~ this building <br />i s not !'ourh hi c;ner. <br />Johnson s~.~qgested ~hat rather than decrease ttie height of 1;hr. o~ail~ings, <br />they 0 1 i ke to put up a fence. <br />The devclopers rnq~.iest2~i a short r~cess so tha.t they could discuss v~Pia~t. <br />options i~~~ic~ht be ava9lablc. <br />The aieeting rer.essed at. &:3F,, p,~q, The i~ie~tinq ~nas reconvened at E;:50 <br />I~ . I>; . <br />'~r. Fahey report~~~ ~that ~the deve1opcrs 'navs advised h~irr~ tYia~t ~th2y ~r^ <br />~xi 11 i ng ~to i ncrease the bi~iffe•r rone ~•ai t'n some coop2rai:i on on ttie part <br />of tne Council in the PUD to combinina nar!:inn of th~ com~nercial anc! <br />resiclential areas. The buff~r v~ould be increasecl to 135 fee~: vri~th 110 <br />feet untouc'r7e~; ancl 25 feet of ~aroomFd areia <.irounrJ tha oui 1 di ng. <br />t'a~F~y s~t<atec! tnat on~ o~f ~t'n~ homeo~aners on Tona inqi.iir?d aboui: r2duc~nr~ <br />tne builclinq to ttivo stori2s. (1r.Johnson statFd that th~y coulcf lool< at <br />this, b~rt ii: vroiald be rnore cles~irab1e fro~, an economic s'candnoint to get <br />Y.~~~o uriiform ~~uil~!ings. <br />P~ir. Jirn 6tu~tz~iC!< sta~tect ~l:'nat in licu of tiie addit~ional b~~PTer t:he site <br />'~ecomes nior2 difficult to a~co~rmociate tPie project and they ~~vould prePer <br />t.o sta.b ~;ii t;~ 't~,ao three-story bui 1 di nqs. <br />Page -7- <br />