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,~-~r.riuTFs <br />Cit~/ Co~mcil <br />Jan. ~3, 19E3F <br />Gamb'I i n9 <br />Licenses ? <br />~lo. Ramsey <br />I_ions Club <br />(Cont,) <br />TYiQ City Cler~~c reported that the event prpposerl b,y ~the Plorth Ramsev <br />Lions is a rafflt~ that will i>e helc~ <zt the Venetian Inn. It is a <br />one-time event and not an on-going activity. <br />"4s. t~ardini stateci that she r~oialc( like to see a r^port on the amo~mt <br />of mone~ generrated hy the gar:ibl i n;~ 1 i censes i n tPie Ci ty and ~,,~here t~e <br />inoney is being donated. <br />"1rs. Scalze introdi.iced the fio1lo~ainn resolution anc! rnoved its adoption: <br />RtiSOLtfTIObI N0. 36-1-29 - INSTRUCTI"dG TIi(~ CITY <br />CI ER~< 'i0 RE.QUFST Tl10SE IIOLOIiJG GANiHLTPI; LICENSL"S <br />IF! 7Hf~ CT,TY TO INI-0RP4 TN~ !;ITY TIIE ,4P~OUDIT ~F <br />f~90NF.Y BEIPJ(; COLI_FCTE!) AP1D WFIGRF TNE P40hli~Y IS ~~:IPdG <br />DOPlATI=D <br />7ha foregoing resolution was duly seconded by Tis. P!ardini. <br />llyes ( 5) Scal ze, t+ardi ni , Fahey, Col l ova, ~31 esener. <br />n!aycs (0). <br />I~tesolution r.leclarec! adooted. <br />This resoltrtion app^ars in R;.~solution ~3ook Pdo. 13, Page 2~. <br />The Cl~rk reported that he spo4;e tiā€¢rith hir. Pat Vitale of the Venetian <br />Inn tvho confirmed that the Lions Club event ~~~as a one-tii~ie ~vent. <br />Nis. Nardini introduced the follo~;ring resolution and movec~ its adop'tion: <br />R~SOLUTIO~i ~,0. 36-1-30 - ~PPROVIPlG TNF GAMflLIPlG <br />LIC(:NSE ~OR TIIE ~IOR71~1 RIIMSCY 500 LIONS CLU~3 70 <br />HOL~ A ONE-~lI;FIT FUP.IC7ION AT TI1E VF~I4:TIAN IM~I <br />The foregoing reso1ution ~vas du1y seconded by P1r. Col1ova. <br />11yes (5) Piardini, Collova, sllesener, Scalze, Fah~y. <br />iJayes (0). <br />rtesolt~it~on der.lared adopted. <br />7his resolution appears in Resolution 3ook ~o. 13, Page 30. <br />Tax ~orfeitecl The City has received a listiny ~From the of tax forfeited property <br />Prorerty ~n the C,ity, The Clerk suqgested that t4ie list be reF2rred to the <br />Vark r,.nmmission for their revieti~ as to nossible park ~ir~psrty that <br />Anenda could be acquired for the City. The Clerk reportecl that the City <br />~~+,~qt~~n can acnuire any of ~:he properti~s an<i if they are used for parl<, pondinr <br />or op~n space, the City ~o~s not iiave to nay ~he delinquen~t taxes on <br />th£~ propcrty. <br />Pagc -lFi- <br />