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PISNUTES <br />Cii.y Cot.mcil <br />Jan. £2, 1~3f1Fi <br />Investment P1r, !ii esener i ntrodi~ced the Fol 1 oevi ng resol uti on and mo~ied i ts aclopti on: <br />Depositorics <br />RESOLUTT.O\I ,10. 36-1-6 - pESIG1~lATI~IG TEL-: F01_I_04l.T.M(?, <br />Flgenda /lS INVI_STh1fMT DEPOSITORI~S FOR TNE CITY DURIPIG <br />Itern No. 7 1936: FIRST SFlNK STI~TE, OAK PARI< N~IGHTS, h1,~PLE!<100D <br />S7AT@ (3AR!C, rIRST FLDERAL, t~ORTH6dESTER~i PI,4TIQPJAL BFlN;<, <br />hiTD41LST FEDER~IL, NIRST FrDERA~ SAVIDIGS R LOA~I, TOU~ P~ <br />~ CQUNTRY [;AItiK OF Mf1PLE4~(00[), t~,ASHINGTOPi FFDERFlL OF <br />STILLt1;1TER, °RUDcNTIF1L, 1~P~1~}2ICA~1 Sl1VTtJC,S & LQFlPI, <br />FRAtiU<LIPI CUSTD~I111d FUP~IDS (OFFFRMA~I), SFARS OF <br />CAI..I~Ol2"dTA <br />The Poregoing r~solution 4•~as ciuly seconded by ~~Ir. Collova. <br />,?lyes (5) (ilrsener, Collova, Mardini, Scalze, Fahey. <br />^layes (~)). <br />Resolution cieclared adopted. <br />This resolution appears in Resolution flook No. 13, Pare 6. <br />Official The City receivecl bids f1^om the Alorth SuburbanFree Press and the Roseville <br />Rlewspaper Revi2ev Por the designation of official neaasp~per cluring 19~5. <br />~genda Iir. !~lesener introduced the follosiing rasolution an<I moved its ~adoption: <br />I~em Rlo. 8 <br />RF.SOLUTIOPJ h10. f3Fi-1-7 - DESIGNATIRdG ThiE h10RTfi <br />SUE3URflAM FR[:f_ PRF.SS AS TFIC CI'fY'S DFFICIRL <br />N~~vlSPAPfR FOR 1986 <br />First, that the Free Press is the only newspaper <br />° bidding that does represent 100% of the City; <br />Correction <br />xes ao. That the Free Press submitted the lea>t expensive <br />s6--I-43 bid for providing this service. <br />Par:< The C,it~/ h~~s received auplications from pan Drake and David Champion <br />Commission for the ~ar~ Conunission vacanc,y it recently advertis~d. P1r. Drai<e <br />~lnpointment is applying for reappnintrnent to tne Commission. <br />AgEnda The Counci1 cast the follotivin~i ba~llot: <br />Item P!o. 5 <br />Collova votec' for Drake; [3lesener votec( fior <br />Drake; ~±ardini vo~ed for Ora!<e; ~'ahey votecl <br />for Urake; and Sca1ze voted for Dra!<e. <br />Therefor ; Dan Dra!:~ 4~as apnoi nted to t,~e Par:< f,omri ss i on for a terrn <br />oF ~hree years. <br />UdC7E? - )- <br />